You can do this by playing as guest Shaggy on the volleyball mission in the new rift.

Congrats, hope you enjoy the game! For the long run, I'd recommend trying different killers (or survivor if you're interested), not only to unlock their perks on Myers, but also just to see how wildly different some of them play. Also, while killers like Myers are still fun and viable, I'd recommend trying killers who have stronger chase powers if you ever get tired of looping with him. Chasing survivors around tiles (looping) is a big part of the game when it comes to skill expression, and unfortunately Myers isn't all that naunced in that perspective (not to say you should stop playing him if you're having fun though). Ultimately, I still mostly play killers I think just think are cool (Ghostface, the Unknown, Nemesis), so just play who you like and experiment if you get bored. Good luck!

I'd agree, that seems to be the trade off from my experience, especially in solo que. Being only 1/4th of your team, you have less control over the match as survivor, which leads to frustration, but also less pressure being put on your shoulders specifically. Killer's the opposite. No one is going to bail you out if you mess up, but you're also not gonna get screwed over by a bad teammate.

They're usually super easy to get during the anniversary, and like someone else said you do keep them after the event, so I HIGHLY recommend getting as many of them as you can on anyone you like playing. I tend to use them throughout the year until the next anniversary.

When you've already paid money to buy the battlepass, you shouldn't have to pay more money to be sure you'll get to the end of it. It's crazy.

Yep, bought Joker specifically to do these challenges. Now that I have him, I don't get any Joker specific challenges. Only challenges for playing Steven Universe and Looney Tunes characters, neither of which I have because I blew my fighter currency on the Joker. Now I can either buy them with real money (knowing I'll never play them) or pray that the battlepass won't require me to do pretty much every challenge like the events have been doing.

I maintain that 985 is probably just a reference to Jerma, although it could turn into something eventually.

I can't speak to the survivor experience as much, but at least for killer they all play fairly differently, which I am still entertained by almost 3K hours later. For context, other than Helldivers 2 right now, DBD is pretty much the only multi-player game I play. I'd say it's comparable to something like Call of Duty, in terms of the gameplay loop being very basic, but still addictive and offering a good amount of variety. The survivor experience is made more unique by the fact that each killer has different playstyles you have to counter, so while survivor isn't really my thing I'm sure it can be fun with friends (solo is fairly hard though).

Are you doing an archive challenge that involves using random perks? If so, those are bugged, and at least in my experience cause the game to crash at exactly 6 seconds also.

The only cosmetics that are limited time are the holiday and event ones (which come back to the store the same time every year). In terms of missables, the only things that are unobtainable from the rift are the charms (and assumably badges and player banners now that those are in the rift) and the deep rift cosmetics (the blue recolors of the rift outfits).

To my knowledge, as long as you have a Twitch account, all you need to do is watch any DBD stream that says "Drops enabled" or "drops" in the title. Once you start watching one of those, you'll be able to track your progress by clicking on a little box icon (usually on the top right of your screen depending on if you're using mobile or desktop). Once you get it working, it should be pretty easy to tell. Hope that helps!

I'd assume it's not the Entitie's creation, since it sounds like it's fighting back at the end of its description. I definitely get what you mean about the lore, but it doesn't personally bother me too much given the killer's design seems to emphasize how, well, unknown, it is. Interestingly, I do think there's still objective things to learn about it, like the fact it has been around hundreds of years, it genuinely does seem to appear as a result of people imagining it (implying it is some kind of boogeyman creature), and whatever the hell is going on with its power and its connection to the government. I would LOVE some of that stuff to be expanded upon in a future tome, but thankfully it doesn't feel like its base lore is missing anything necessary, at least imo.

As I've said before, I think a mimic killer could work fine if that wasn't a big part of its kit, but it seems like you're just upset it wasn't the thing you expected. A mimic idea would be interesting, but it's far from an original idea. As much as I think the power seems a little strange, calling a crooked imitation of a human that copies its victim's voices and shoots hallucinations out of a tentacle in its stomach "lazy" and "uninspired" seems inaccurate to me.

I'm really curious to see if they go out of their way to keep the killer as mysterious in game as it has been so far, like through the use of a power that obscures the killer when they're close or something. It obviously won't be as scary in game as it is in the teasers, but I'm hoping they give it a similar treatment to Dredge in terms of horror.

I think people are too quick to write off a Mimic power. If it was the primary focus of the power, yeah it'd probably suck, but it doesn't have to be. Ghostface being able to drop terror radius is already pretty helpful for sneaking up on people. Imagine if he also looked exactly like another survivor. Even in that case, I think it wouldn't be super powerful, but it'd still have some use to it.

I'm really wondering that too. That one in particular is more of a bragging right than anything. It'd be a really weird move to give it to everyone.

Interestingly, it seems like the voice line at the end is randomized. I've heard him call them a "bedwetter" and tell them to "just die already".

Guys, hear me out, but what if Chucky is actually from FNAF. It would make sense, since both franchises deal with children's entertainment/s

I was thinking the same thing like a week ago. They're clearly extremely passionate about this game and community, and I personally feel like they've been doing a really great job recently.

The issue is the devs, not consoles. Like others have said, crossplay isn't a huge issue for the VAST majority of games.

I agree in terms of the core gameplay, at least. Going back to stealth in Payday 2 has been a bit...jarring. That said, obviously nearly everything else is a mess.

Doesn't Pig Head die at the end of the first game? I'm not questioning that that's what they were planning, but if Dr. Gordon does die, it's no where near that early in the timeline. Also, he's missing a leg, there's no way he's running around like that without his cane. I don't think they really thought this through at all.

Honestly I think the community is a bit hard on itself, lol. It's not perfect, but compared to some other games it's not that bad.