Lately, their doughnuts have been giving me severe bloating, not sure what they did with the recipe. It's probably not even a real donut anymore.

There are many Khalistani extremists groups taking shelter in Canada

If true, then we should definitely be booting them out.

Maybe try doing a bit research, instead of believing everything you see online:

Even go on the WSO website and try to find anything disdain.

While I agree that advocating for a separatist movement for another country is absurd, but expressing such opinions is not a crime.

If I haven't misread it, looks like it's capped at 5500 per year until 2026, therefore total 15,500, as per the links below:

"As part of the 2024–2026 Immigration Levels Plan, Canada will admit over 15,000 caregivers as permanent residents."

"Is there a limit on the number of caregiver applications you accept under the pilots? Yes. We only process up to 5,500 applications each year under the caregiver pilots"

Thanks for understanding this. I was born and raised here, and people still group me together with the troublemakers. Prejudice has definitely grown over the past little while.

The funny thing is I was actively calling out these issues with foreign students ages ago, before anyone even took notice. Now I'm getting grouped together with them. Irregardless, I just hope people's anger and frustrations don't evolve into physical altercations.

Back then, individuals were better vetted and interviewed before they were allowed into the country. In the past few years they've gotten rid of most of the checks and balances before letting people in. Anyone and everyone is now capable of making it through our wide open Gates.

More stringent and targeted immigration measures would have greatly reduced many issues we're facing today. It's a shame that the common folk only crosses the government mind when it comes time to collecting votes; they deserve the full brunt of our disappointment if anything. The colleges and corporations are laughing their way to the bank while watching people point fingers at immigrants instead.

I wonder if people think they can continue fueling hate and harassment without repercussion, one would think the pendulum would eventually swing the other way. Race wars are not something I'd wish to see.

Definitely feels good helping those in need.

I've wholeheartedly lived by the Sikh principles of "degh tegh fateh" which is the responsibility to provide food, and to provide protection, for the needy and oppressed, without prejudice and discrimination.

You must be young. Wait till you're older, and matured past the age of worrying about looks, your uniqueness would make you quite popular.

I said it once, I'll say it again. If educational institutions can't stay afloat without destroying the middle class, they need to downsize or shut down.

The argument used to be that international students are reducing tuition for domestic students; but increasingly rising rents and mortgages have greatly offset any benefit reduced tuition would be giving us.

Talking about my family safety, and get downvoted, yet they think I'm the bad guy, smh.

I used to post in the sub to vent my frustrations at the governments incompetency and mismanagement like everyone else, but that's evolved into a genuine concern for my family's safety. I know there are problems, I'm frustrated too, probably more so than you, but scapegoating individuals who have done nothing wrong it's not a solution.

Not looking for sympathy but I hope no one else has to go through this, on top of all the problems we're already facing in this country.

I used to be proud of our country being a melting pot of various ethnicities who all had a genuine respect for each other. I just hope this won't only be a story of the past.

Hope you have a good day.

Well, my thoughts are, if God is so Almighty, why would they create only 1 religion leading to the correct path and leave everyone else out of it. It makes no sense, and would be greatly unjustified.

Even looking historically, groups believing that only their faith is correct and all else is falsehood, has led to widespread massacre and suffering among others. I cannot fathom to believe that inflicting mass suffering among 'non believers', or even to gain converts can ever be justified as being good.

Thanks for realizing this, I've not been pleased at how the rest of us are being grouped together with the new match of knuckleheads we're getting.

We're all affected by gross government mismanagement; they've been setting the tides for us and there's nothing we can do about it.

And they won't return to India because of either social stigma not coming back with PR in hand, or because their parents sold off all their ancestral land and there's nothing left to go back to.

The current immigration system allows anyone and everyone to come over, they are barely any background checks or skills necessary, you just need to pay the bill (international student fees) and you're in.

The level of difficulty the immigration system used to withhold, attracted mostly hard working, talented and skilled individuals who were confident they can make it here, like my parents' generation from India. These people held a positive impact to society and became actual role models and built a good reputation for our community.

I have extended family from India here now and they're teenagers following the crowd, looking for that 'supposedly' easy path to luxury and owning expensive things they see on tiktok. They're alot of youngsters who've only completed high school and never lived alone in their life, and are abusing their time away from parents.

It's gross mismanagement by our leadership. If you watch any interview about mass immigration with the immigration minister, he points fingers to the provinces. When you watch the same types of interviews with provincial leaders, they point fingers back at the federal government. Nothing is ever going to get done.

Not a student visa, but a trojan horse. Individuals with malicious intent have an easy pathway into the country, thanks to the government.