I am Palestinian-American. I "became" a yoga teacher and taught for a year. Then I found it challenging to get a job teaching a studio for some reason.

I'm really not sure why. But I'm now grateful for that. While I sort of agree with one of the commenters, that the point is to help people heal their nervous systems, I've come to realize that the one hour, scheduled classes are not for me.

Wow, you've been through A LOT. That's a lot of grief to face and live with in a short period of time (relatively).

If I were you, I would leave everything, pack a back and travel the world. Your savings can take you far in places in South America and SE Asia.

Stay in hostels, slow travel and enjoy a place for weeks on end, then move on. Experience new things. You'll meet all sorts of people.

America can be a bubble, oftentimes we forget there's a whole world out there.

I spent some time in Mexico and Guatemala. People are incredible, the sun is amazing, the water is healing. Go experience life away from Western Imperial society. There is SO much to see and experience. You'll learn things about yourself that might not otherwise.

Along the way, you'll start to notice things you enjoy. Then dig deeper. Just follow what feels good in terms of subject, passions, etc. Maybe you'll emerge with some answers.

Get rid of stuff, but a one way ticket, the world is yours.

I bought a few tins but haven't been in the mood yet. Excited to try them

I'm curious too. Following. My B.Sc is in Psych and I'm having a hard time finding a good job. Considering going to get a master's to become a therapist.

I'm also heartbroken about losing my grandmother's gold necklace. I know, it sucks. And I loved that necklace, wore it everyday.

Ahhh great idea!! My mom used to make the za'atar pies all the time (were Palestinian) and loveee them. Gotta try this

Sprained ankle 4 years ago, still bothers meTears

Hi friends. So I fell off a bike riding into a little ditch in the road 4 year ago. Bike tilted left, I went down with it. I went to the urgent care, they told me to RICE and take over the counter pain pills.

I'm still having issues with it, it's hurts everyday. Parts of my foot around the ankle, even up my whole leg, are still swollen.

I've been rolling lately. I do different stretches. It terrifies me to think I've done permanent damage. I went back for all sorts of imaging work, all they said was go to PT

What should I do? I just want to be back to normal.

Wow! Haven't been for a while even though I only love 1.5 hours. You've inspired me to venture back for a day 😄

I love this. I'm on a very similar boat of wanting to create a brand and document my journey of being together all of the different yet connected endeavors. If it helps, my plan (someday) is to just go for it. All under one brand/channel. It all connects because it's all your creation. If someday there is something else that needs its own special platform, you can do that. The best advice I've heard is to just start, it's all you, it goes together because it's your unique story. If you want an accountability buddy, I'm up for it!

I'm amazed that people have nothing better to do than to troll. On here for the inspo, planning my first trip this summer. Hope you enjoy

I was in Mexico for two weeks in March. I got off of a 4 hour bus ride and went into the station. After an ATM transaction, I went to the bathroom. Right as I was going through the gate to the bathroom and my heart dropped as I realized I didn't have my suitcase. (i've been working on my Spanish so "ay!! mi bolsa!" Is what actually came out hehe)

I thought there was no way the bus was still there as I ran back, and just surrendered my fate. The bus wasn't there. I went to check the office, and these amazing people took inventory of the bags and actually left it there for me. Phew!

Guess what? I fucking did it again. The first time was in Guanajuato I think, second time in Cancun. Got them back both times. I learned my lesson, I think.

Feeling limited at home

Hi guys! I have so many ideas for content that I want to create. I have so many videos of me just talking in my car, but I want to make better quality videos. I live at home with my parents, and often feel like I can't be my full authentic self. I feel very limited here, and I'm never motivated to film videos here. Especially with the noise (like I started to film the other day and then my brother ran up the stairs. Singing really loud).

Any advice on what I can do about this? I'm trying my best to get a better paying job so that I can move out. I really want that for myself, but I don't want to keep postponing making videos.

I'm about to order the REI ruck pack. I wanted to love the Cotopaxi, but it didn't feel comfortable for my body. Also I wanted to like the Osprey Fairview, but I just couldn't get down with the two bags in one. Planning on getting packing cubes to compartmentalize and organize everything. Good luck!

You're still very young. I'm just a year older, and sometimes regret not finishing my master's right away, because I'm miserable living with my family, and not finding a good paying job.

But then again, you did what you had to do. Regret won't help us. All we can do is ask what we want to do with that feeling now. What things are you genuinely interested in? Go for that. Maybe you can get a job on campus for tuition to be waived.

Your life has barely started. Take the reigns NOW.

While I love a good Mediterranean breakfast (eggs, olives, cheese, bread, cucumber/tomato, coffee, etc. I LOVED breakfast in central America. Chilaquiles con huevos, or the platter of eggs with beans, cheese, plantain, coffee...ughhhhh take me backk

Nope. I'm thinking more like Morocco, Spain, Greece, Sicily, etc

Yeahh, I'm applying for jobs since I've just been substitute teaching for a few years. Not sustainable. I was accepted to a local program that would cost 36K total. My father offered to help. I'm just still having a hard time justifying the price tag.