We switched from Xfinity to GoNetSpeed last year, but it sounds like they need to expand their capacity before bringing on more customers in west Hartford. I recommend them once it's available. We haven't had any issues and the pricing is way better than Xfinity.

It irrationally bothers me when she shows up at the Oscars because she hasn't been in a decent movie in ages.

I was thinking the same. I just had a baby and turns out everything I thought I knew about lactation and breastfeeding was completely wrong lol.

My eyes rolled to the back of my head when I saw that. And the recipe calls for 2 sticks of butter for 14 cookies lol.

One of my favorite things to eat in the world. I've heard them called rice rolls recently as well.

Exactly what I was thinking. I think I wore that skirt to my high school graduation in 2006.

I think that was the Fiat. I remember this being an impulse purchase and then after she bought it she was trying to find someone to give her a lesson on how to ride it lol

Oh lord, I loved most of that book but the last chapter absolutely wrecked me.

Thank you! That means so much! Yes, it's so hard to manage pumping plus taking care of a newborn but I just try to keep in mind that it's only temporary :)

I'm exclusively pumping for my kiddo right now and it is one of the most challenging things I've ever done. You'd have to pay me a lot of money to do this again. Like thousands of dollars lol

The Goldfinch is great! I read it and also listened to the audiobook. The Secret History is one of my favorite books. I would skip The Little Friend. It's like its written by someone else.

Yes! Thank you for sharing! I have to bust my ass everyday just to break 15 oz - and that's ok :). We are all doing the best we can.

So far I haven't found anything particularly annoying. It's easier to assemble than the other wearables I've tried and I can easily clip the handheld motor to my pants or jacket.

I just got it this week. It definitely empties me better than the other wearable I tried (Tsrete). Not sure if it matches the output of my spectra but the convenience is great. And unlike the Tsrete wearables, they're lightweight and the motors are relatively quiet.

I love these posts. I was addicted to Red Carpet Fashion Awards in the 2010s and I like to see if I can guess who wore what based on the runway pic.