You don't get a reward for just reporting, You get a reward when the person you reported gets banned for cheating. It should be refunding the full amount of the kit you died with that raid, full stop. There's 0 reason for BSG not do do that.

Scav AI hasn't changed. All that's changed is that PMC's will now chase down audible shots the same way scavs have for a long time now. Play accordingly.

Night raids! Reduces their vision to like 40m lmao

πŸ“‘ Owner (North America)

Lmao true

πŸ“‘ Owner (North America)

Hey, sometimes stupid financial decisions are necessary for moral reasons.

πŸ“‘ Owner (North America)

Ok well that's different, you're using the service. I'm not arguing against those using starlink for RV/travel/backup when they have a better ISP option as their main provider.

Maybe I'm just not communicating my point correctly. I'm referring to the, "I dropped my $90 a month frontier fiber for starlink." Or, "Verizon just ran fios down our road, I'm sticking with starlink" kinda reasoning. It's dumb.

πŸ“‘ Owner (North America)

If you don't need a backup Internet source but are paying for one for no reason, yes it's a dumb decision. If someone is paying for dial-up when they can get faster traditional dsl for cheaper, yes that's a dumb decision. I'll say again, if you're paying for starlink when you have access to symmetrical gig fiber and the fiber is cheaper, yes that's a dumb decision. You're paying for a worse service at a higher price. It's not a difficult concept. People are free to do with their money as they please, but it doesn't mean it's not a dumb decision.

πŸ“‘ Owner (North America)

Not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about those that use starlink as their only ISP when they have access to a better alternative.

"But I saw a guy on YouTube fight Radahn at rune level 1 with no armor and a pot on his head."

Ok but you're not that guy, pal.

πŸ“‘ Owner (North America)

It's our right to publicly stigmatize dumb financial decisions. Paying for starlink when you have access to symmetrical gig for $100 a month is just objectively dumb.

Something else is happening, because I've gotten 350m headshots on rogues with M62 through a ulach, and rogues have 40 head HP. It doesn't drop off that much damage at 200m.

Mid-Michigan users, how is performance lately during peak hours? ❓ Question

Live in the Lansing MI area. Tested out starlink in January, performance was terrible from 3pm to 11pm, less than 10mbps with massive latency spikes every minute or two. Ended up returning the kit since TMHI was a better alternative at the time. Curious how it is now with over 1000 of the V2 mini satellites in orbit

The bug I'm talking about I think is just severe delay in server-client communication.

Had it happen numerous times in arena. Someone swings around a corner and fires a single bullet from their gun on my screen, 6-12 hits in the death screen.

We're not exaggerating when we say it takes 1000 hours to even start to get a cursory understanding of PMC spawns and the flow of the raid to be able to predict where other players will be moving and when.

I had this issue for a year and a half, spent over 70 hours of my life on the phone with them over that period. Nothing changed until I wrote an email to my state attorney General and sent tmobile a copy.

I hit scope shack on woods literally every woods run and have not seen ap-20 spawn a single time. The 4 times I've killed tagilla on PVP this wipe, he hasn't had ap-20 a single time. Ap-20 does not exist in large enough quantities to do setup anymore. It just doesn't.

Just don't do setup. Don't do it. You're going to hate the game so fucking much after finishing the quest that you don't boot it up a single other time before wipe. Enjoy yourself doing something else.

There's no access to AP-20. Flea banned, not on traders, and the craft is locked behind a quest after setup.

If you're shooting legs with piranha you've never looked at the ammo charts in your life

Saiga is the next thing I'm printing, half way done throwing the build together in blender lol

You gotten Into printing the guns? I've been building resin prints of tarkovs guns fully modded out.