Maybe he is trying to save money for a bigger engagement ring. Just let him know any will do and if he wants to get a different one later he could.

How else are the states going to fill all those for profit prisons??

Yes recording cops is antagonizing because then they have to be on their best behavior and have a camera that doesn’t lie focused on them. Funny how that would antagonize someone.

It would be hard to rationalize it. They got caught and have to denounce it.

Might be strict but caught Justin driving under the influence

I guess it’s impossible not to commit war crimes and genocide. /s

They don’t get to call themselves that when war crimes are being committed daily. When they are torturing innocent people daily.

The Israeli government needs to be sanctioned by all major world powers until these crimes stop.

Don’t let this guy anywhere near the zoo.

The Israeli government should be tried for war crimes and sanctioned by every government.

Get a camera and record these assholes and then bring it to the local pd department

They have been destroying a bunch of areas where there were tents. The homeless are scattered but they are there. Almost under any highway you will see some. Next to the highway near downtown there are a lot of tents along the side. In more desolate areas there will be homeless people. Go on the redline you will see homeless people every train. I believe there is a shelter by the salt shed. They are there if you look. Lower wacker drive. Lower lower wacker drive.

If a man is so concerned with perceived “homogay” they are most likely a closeted gay man struggling to cope with that.

Film the police violating the law. Make sure to get the car number. Bring this and speak at your local caps meeting. File complaints against the officers driving the cars. Foia the officers names on the days that you observe the infractions. Not saying this will work but it’s a start.

He probably thinks he is a good person. Yet he is scum.

NTA. Your husband acting like he’s still attached by the umbilical cord to his momma. He needs to grow up and understand that this is your decision to make since you are the one delivering. It makes sense that you would want your mom there since she birthed you and theres a level of comfort in a vulnerable situation