I doubt it. Almost every republican I know doesn’t even know what project 2025 is. The few that do, think it’ll never happen.

Politics is a team sport now. Most people these days are unwilling to see the faults in their ‘team’. They get too much satisfaction hating the ‘other team’ that they aren’t even paying attention to the decisions their ‘team’ is making. It’s tragic.

I’m in this camp, but I’m wavering. Trump is the worst thing that’s ever happened to this country. I’m terrified of him being president again. I’m terrified of 2 more SCOTUS seats being chosen by him.

I’m really becoming open minded to the message of RFK and I agree with a lot of it. This is what makes this decision so difficult.

Not entirely. I use to be about 10 drinks a week and now I’m one or two at most.

It wrecks sleep quality, empty calories, and it costs money to do it…

Avoid bottled water, using the Hydroviv for tap water, glass Tupperware.

I’ve also read a bit about donating blood can remove some of the microplastics from your system, but I’m not sure of the efficacy of that. Need to read up more on it, but considering starting to do that.

Can someone with knowledge of government determine who this person is? I would love to vote for them.

Yes, we should scale it down. People don’t need to eat beef every single day or every other meal.

Too many people are eating McDonald’s burgers and don’t understand why they are spending hundreds a month in prescriptions.

Scale it down, and eat the good stuff once or twice a week. Win, win.

Most grass fed meat doesn’t have murky labels. They often list the exact farm it comes from…

It does scale, regenerative ag is not just possible, but doable.

I don’t know why I’m shocked to be dealing with so much critism after my initial comment declaring I’m plant forward but I’m not afraid of grass fed meat. Draw the Venn diagram. We have a lot in common. I’m not advocating for a carnivore diet, I’m simply stating I’d love to see some studies around GF Meat compared to plant based burger alternatives. It’s apparently contrarian to ask for studies.

“But not healthier than red meat alternatives” I’m ready to believe you when the studies are conducted and published. That study hasn’t been done.

Grass fed meats weren’t part of that either.

Grass fed meats have a better ratio of omega 3:6, more vitamin c, e, k, b3, b5, b6, b12, choline, as well as higher photochemical than conventional meat which is eating pesticide laden soy at best, and skittles at worst.

Gf beef has more protein per serving, less fat, less saturated fat and more CLA.

Grass fed meats also have lower levels of homocysteine, triglycerides.

I’m on mobile right now, but I can link all of this later.

I’m not saying eat tons of grass fed beef, I’m saying it’s basically a different food than conventional factory farmed meat and all of the studies around red meat are on the latter which is obviously anything but a healthy food.

Edit: positively wild that of all of my comments and replies this is the one with negative downvotes. I stated complete facts highlighting the differences in nutritional profiles between the two types of beef and somehow it’s downvoted because it might harm peoples opinions. This comment didn’t even bash plantbased meat. Some people hate having their bias checked. Diets like politics are lately becoming a team sport and it’s really quite sad.

Beyond has 17 and impossible has 14.

Again, I’m a plant focused omnivore, but these ‘meatless burgers’ are highly processed foods you aren’t making in your kitchen.

I’m all for slicing up some beets, but I’m personally not going to replace a grass fed strip streak that’s extremely nutrient dense, low in saturated fat, high in protein and loaded with vitamins for an ultra processed soy protein isolate + additives. I’ll gladly eat the beets, kale, and Brussels with the steak though.

You attached an article citing studies that doesn’t actually list or link the studies, nor does it make any mention of grass fed beef and seems to focus largely on processed meats. That is completely apples to oranges.

I love to challenge my thinking and position and am very open minded. Please let me know if I’m missing something in the article you replied with.

There are so many fake ingredients in these plant based meats. Their ingredient lists look similar to a poor quality dog food.

It’s fine with me if you believe plants in their whole food form are better than red meat, but it’s much murkier when you add the layer of ultra processing these frankenfoods go through.

Addressing personal bias: I’m an omnivore and prioritize plants and nuts over everything else, but I’m not scared of red meat that’s grass fed.

I have the same question. Following this post.

If I buy today will I get the dividend?

Pablo Lopez and Gausman.

I own them so I just need them to turn it around.

⬇️fructose consumption. Your body can also turn glucose into fructose.

Caerleon, but attacking Almekia right out of the gate.

I enjoy the knight acquisition train and Mystics are underrated.

Dinadin and Cai carry hard and Marriot is the best archer in the game if memory serves.

We were one and done a few years ago and now we are thinking about having a third 😂