Joylyne Cujoh :joy:

Yep, flameshot usually does the trick. Shes easy to counter with the timing required for her dashes

Joylyne Cujoh :joy:

I agree! Losing the CC Immunity is alright since that fits more of a fighter than assassin. But please make her combo faster. Acquiring 3 perfect beat energy takes too long and by then, enemies will react to your positioning. 

Weak cc, mobility, or even bursting down Joy. She needs a faster combo. As an assassin her low cooldown is great for her mobility. But the damage is better suited for the other magic assassins. 

I would really appreciate if her passive triggered with each well timed skill 2 dash instead of every 4 seconds. That way its rewarding to learn. And maybe increase the damage of the perfect beat? I just want to make all the time learning joys dashes to be worth it xD 

Joylyne Cujoh :joy:

CC Immune helped with her timed combo. She’s pretty fun to play and quickly clears jungle creeps, but in teamfight it’s easy to counter Joy. She takes a bit more time to burst enemies than other assassins. And even then, only her passive really hurts. The ult can still be pushed back by weak cc or flameshot. 

But I feel without CC Immune Joy’s current sustain doesn’t allow her to safely join fights. The combo is too slow right now, leaving her vulnerable. And her damage increase from hitting the beat isn’t all that rewarding to bother learning. 

Joylyne Cujoh :joy:

I agree with this, hence why they removed her cc Immunity on ult. Her skill 2 solely exist for clearing creeps, minions, but never participate in teamfights. Its fair to counter mobile assassins with weak cc. Right now her gameplay is just dashing twice on nearby creeps/minions. Dash with skill 1. 

If they would actually make her a difficult hero to master instead of simplifying her gameplay. It would be more rewarding to dash on beat, have bit of sustain, and deal significant damage. 

At the moment, she is supposed to be an AOE sustain assassin. However with reduced spell vamp and the ult requiring 3 perfect beats. Its too dangerous stack energy and stick around for all 8 pulses in her ult. I’ve had success abusing the spark of damage from her passive. I WOULD LOOOVE if her passive wouldn’t trigger every 4 seconds but instead when Joy hits a perfect beat. 

Joylyne Cujoh :joy:

I’ve had some luck with sky piercer and mage build Joy! Shes very strong with a few stacks of Lethality and her passive hurts in mid game. 

Joylyne Cujoh :joy:

I really enjoy Joy’s beat mechanic! I am excited for future skins that hopefully add a different tune to her skills. This revamped zilong skin has me looking forward to more songs being played during her ultimate. 

Joylyne Cujoh :joy:

I feel the same way! Such a unique mechanic that is so fun to play. I never played Assassins til seeing her gameplay. The problem is how to balance the rewarding part of hitting the beat. Give too many buffs and its op. Give a healthy damage boost and its too weak.

I hope her kit will be revisited and not hated by both joy mains and opponents.

Joylyne Cujoh :joy:

Right? I’ve never thought much about A.I training mode but actually is pretty fun. Classic will be a toss up of people practicing heroes or unwilling to give up their main lane.

I also dont feel like ranking this season. A lot of people here say summer break is going to have more casual players. And I’m starting to see it for myself XD

Joylyne Cujoh :joy:

Losing CC Immune is fine. But the damage increase from hitting perfect beat isn’t that rewarding. I wish they’d give Joy a faster combo and make the timing on her skill 2 more difficult to dash to. Not make Joy an easy hero. 

Joylyne Cujoh :joy:

I’m seeing a lot of Kimmy which I’m honestly surprised! I haven’t seen anyone play her since her short lived jungler meta. So she deserves some attention. 

I wanna say Joy. There are other heroes more deserving of a buff. But she feels so slow now without much of a reward for timing the beat. 

Joylyne Cujoh :joy:

Great! Now some emergency buffs for Joy pls ✨

Joylyne Cujoh :joy:

LOL omggg the memories

Joylyne Cujoh :joy:

Right? I think there are plenty of easy heroes to play. But I dislike the attempts to make joy easier. Her difficulty is rated higher than Ling, Hayabusa, Benedetta, and even Lancelot. Its been two years since her release. Why not make her difficult to master but rewarding.

Joylyne Cujoh :joy:

Her pick rate was of the lowest last season. I’m hoping it changes with sky piercer and jungle joy in this one.

Joylyne Cujoh :joy:

Which one? I saw a small animation for a future collector. And the survey for her Starlight. I’m looking forward to something with pink effects!

Joylyne Cujoh :joy:

I like exp personally because of vengeance + bullying the enemy jg or mage during first turtle. 

Her jungle clear is really good! Just difficult to help in team-fights with her current kit. She can split push quickly and rotate thanks to her dashes. 

Joylyne Cujoh :joy:

Joy has been mentioned here already but I love the unique mechanic. I just wish I could dash faster and still achieve perfect beats. I’m so used to it I can sometimes perform even with lag or muted. 

Joylyne Cujoh :joy:

Yesss hitting the beat with Joy and planning her next dash using creeps, minions, and skill 1 is so fun! She’s flexible in exp, mid, and jungle so the practice is worth it. :3 

Joylyne Cujoh :joy:

I do not unfortunately, but i suggest practicing her Skill 2 > Basic attack > Skill 2. Repeat. You will pick up timing her dash slowly! :3 

It can be a little overwhelming at first so take your time. Watching Joy livestreams also helped me listen to the timing. 

Joylyne Cujoh :joy:

Just gotta wait and see when they’ll decide to release her starlight and higher tier skins. So far the new assassin item and reworked glowing wand are working well for her. 

At least its fun to dance and snowball a little in classic from time to time xD 

Joylyne Cujoh :joy:

Hello! If anyone plays Joy, how was your experience playing her with the new magic items? 

I’ve tried them honestly.. I’m getting smoked. Skill issue likely, but her combo is a bit slow to stack Sky piercer and deal her ultimate’s full duration without enemies reacting fast as well. 

Joylyne Cujoh :joy:

Atlas does pretty well! Just be sure to ban diggie. I’d honestly recommend minotaur as he’s just a very safe support/tank. Rotate and master his ability to CC and set for your team. Belerick is also very solid counter for marksman in solo queue. 

If you’d like to venture out of your comfort zone, I also recommend Aamon. He’s a great jungler this season with the new items and buffs. Hes moderate difficulty, and can split push thanks to his enhanced basic. 

I play more support roams and few assassins. I wish you luck in your games and find more knowledgable junglers to roam for :3 

Joylyne Cujoh :joy:

Just think happy thoughts as you cast vengeance. Whether you miss or get hit by the slightest CC, she’s still risking it all before reaching that 8th pulse in mid to late game.