My man really boasted about having sex with “as many lolis as I want.” 🤢

I can’t bring myself to be invested in the campaign in anyway whatsoever. The whole “game master” thing always seemed like bullshit marketing to me anyway.

I still like shooting bugs and clankers though!

What a regal beast… although I definitely feel like he’s judging me 😂

I have to assume a lot of people who make these kinds of post are farming karma.

Damn you to hell for making me choose between an enforcer and a centurion… I’ll have to default to the centurion since it’s blue!

The Deer Hunter is fantastically well made but sweet Jesus does it DRAG!

I don’t care for the negative space in the bottom of the framing… but that’s just me and overall I think it looks cool!

That might be the most adorable Muad’dib I’ve seen yet! Love it!

What’s the issue? Looks fine to me.

Body Heat is pretty damn solid and could be considered the first modern erotic thriller as well.

I love your cat already just from those pictures so I’m sure you’ll come around eventually too 😆


You would have thought Langella’s life was on the line the way he throws himself into the role!

Rakka. I love that he’s essentially a wandering warrior monk.

I look forward to people calling in panic cluster strikes danger close again and again and again… probably my least favorite way to die in this game. That and panic airbursts!

They just need the explosion visuals to be parred down to match the actual damage radius. If they did that the 500 Kilo wouldn’t feel so wonky.

Knight, Redeemer and machine gun while rocking “Ambassador of the Brand.” I REALLY like automatic weapons and I like the color blue.