Yep, veesk got destroyed in this 4 year old debate with jlp. Btw it's where the Amazin meme is from

40 exploded organs in a 'legionary recruit' trench coat

🇷🇴🇷🇴Deșteaptă-te, române, din somnul cel de moarte🇷🇴🇷🇴

Toliko olecuțâcă

Before to complete the free pass you nedeed 200 crowns, now you need 600.. i DoNt CaRE aBoUt tHe pASs

Those shoes are so cute

The next headline for the news Channel says "the calistrated priest will demask the neomarxists" lmao

How come noone is talking about the fact that "just stop oil" is funded by aileen getty an oil tycoon? Like its a literal psy op to make leftists look bad and they hired the most exageratedly liberal looking people to do it

Rusia dejai moarta, singurul lucru care il face sa mentina statutul de putere globala sunt armele lor nucleare, nu au nimic altceva si daca ar vrea sa le foloseasca asta ar fi sinucidere pentru ei

Rest in piss shoulda died 96 years ago the bloody bitch, how the fuck can one person own 1/6th of the earth?!

Hey dont be sad because of someone elses stupidity, if you can and if hes down to change his mind talk to him about it maybe give him some stats or smth, that depends on your situation and what you think could change his mind, but if he doesnt want he doesnt want to.

People will be dumb so its not worth being too caught up with it, even family at times can be quite cruel :( but i hope u will be ok

Were thinking of organizing something this friday at the Centrul municipal de tineret in ciocana if youre interested

Suna bine daca gasiti un loc pentru mine miar placea sa fac parte dintro mini campanie deasemenea

eu niciodata nu mam jucat dnd dar as vrea, daca ai gasit ceva zimi te rog si mie! :)