/u/anfrind is correct here, you absolutely can discriminate based on birth place if the position requires Top Secret or Q clearance

Cats here getting the Astarte's treatment

both bb and rush are my top two favorites but I really like the sage mode and peach rings tubs too. Gfuel typically does a good job with anything peachy.

I'm not entirely convinced IRS is actually involved, especially if her husband doesn't know. First thought is an affair because of how secretive/defensive she's being.

I've done this for a few tech conference exhibits. Sometimes you need to just get shit somewhere same-day

Most people with allergies would love to be seated next to cute floof balls but we cant ;_;

This is the answer, pick a compliance framework and go from there

JAMF 400

For the Config profiles;

Use system profiler: /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPConfigurationProfileDataType will give you all your config profiles.

For the policies I'd look into legal/engaging jamf support. I'm assuming you are a rival MDM and not the client (else this situation is really f'd up). If you are a customer you should be able to request a legal audit of what they put on your devices.

JAMF 400

Really sucks for Govt environments where you have to wait for compliance standards to be released.

JAMF 400

They are all open book, and all the instructors I've had really go above and beyond setting you up for success.

Mac's biggest problem right now is shit vendor support. Most app developers (especially with business apps) make the most token effort for their MacOS binaries. Apple straight up had to get rid of kernel extensions because developers were just causing kernel panics.

Its a real shame because Apple Silicon is so damn solid.

Personally I cant think of a zelda game that isn't at least an 8. Nintendo does a damn good job with that IP and the traditional zelda formula is solid af. But agreed, ToTK isn't winning GOTY this year.

The stalking, strangers, and walking alone at night seems to be less about Halloween and more about living life as a woman

I think you should definitely lay into the old school mindset like Perkins did with Dice, Camera, Action Campaign. Make the wizard tie the party to each other with a rope and always ask for a 10ft pole where ever they go. All great nods to the days where death was just a misstep away

Are they on their way to Vallaki? I personally like having Strahd make his grand appearance to the party during the Feast or Burning Sun festivals. Its far enough into the module that Strahd would actually give 2 shits other than they have Tatyana with them and with everything going on, lots of opportunities to mess with the party while they are there. Have them bump into Vasilli or whoever your Strahd is disguising herself on the way or as one of the major NPC's in Vallaki (I think Father Lucian would be at the top of my list)

No need to rush it, but get that players get antsy when they don't level up every other session... As someone who DM's for a larger group as well the biggest thing to figure out is logistics (player availability & general combat) and balancing the encounters. I've got 5-6 people and they breeze through most of what I've thrown at them as it is written.

Out of all the modules I think this one has the most community support in terms of resources, guides, and tie-ins from supplemental one-shots/modules.

JAMF 400

You really got two options for Macs that I'd suggest, Jamf or Meraki. Jamf (formerly Casper) has been the only real option for decades. WS1 is a clusterfuck and thats your 3rd big box option.

The only real gripe with Jamf is they are slacking in the government space, which I'm confident they will get to eventually but might not be quick enough for me.

JAMF 400

SCCM is a shit show, I'll take dealing with Jamf policies and profiles over trying to make sense of a 25 year old AD and its GPO/SCCM spaghetti. It's cleaner and I wait about 15 seconds before my entire fleet gets the new config I pushed.

The struggle with MacOS/MacOS apps is almost entirely vendor related, but Office is really not one of them.

JAMF 400

it's been a godsend, and as a bonus it'll deploy swiftdialog to your fleet as its a dependency now. We have to maintain strict versioning on pretty much everything where I work (Pure whitelist environment) which breaks a lot of the normal workflows for things. Erase-Install straight up saved my ass

JAMF 400

The most common method of pushing out OS updates is via Erase-Install https://github.com/grahampugh/erase-install. Additionally you want to be utilizing DEP in your organization to grab all the goodies from your MDM as much as possible. I know some orgs rely on the software update commandlet for updates but I'd highly advise it due to consistency issues and your org may block it at the demarc firewall.

JAMF 400

The built in Screen Sharing is plenty sufficient for most things. Uses all the same ARD configs that you would have to setup anyway if you go that route in the future as well.

We've been going for about a year now and the party is just now finishing up Vallakia

As much as I love BG3, controller support is clunky as all hell. I threw it on my steam deck for a trip last week and had some major gripes with the combat wheels. They need to clean up how the wheels get populated because spending an hour sorting and organizing them on every single character really takes away from the experience.