I have an electric mower and one of those rotary push mowers for when I want a workout. No power there besides your muscles. I'm getting clover to take over more and more of the yard, and the rotary mower doesn't make for much work with the low height of the clover.

Grand Rapids

Disabling location services does not mean you're not tracked. Your location and app use are still discernable, data mined, and sold.

My basement would randomly have a gas smell. One day I got it inspected, and the utility company found 7 leaks in the old black pipe, and turned off the gas until I got it replaced and inspected again. This was in the middle of winter with a gas furnace.

If nothing is jumping out as a culprit, it could be old failing gas pipes.

Looks like it's a pain in the ass for all parties involved. Lol

Freedom movement that executes gays, and has a stated mission of killing all Jews. Sounds like freedom alright.

I can eat like a horse after a long weekend ride, and it's honestly part of the fun.

Plus, he's a secret Muslim who also happens to go to an extreme Christian church. Lol

Looks like a neat perfect day sailer for single handing or bringing out some company.

His advice is for people who treat credit like alcoholics treat booze. It's not the best or most prudent advice for everyone, but helpful to many.

When you think of how much water is in the human body and how dry those little crackers are, you may have had closer to a whole leg!

Watch it move to a Trump property with super jacked up prices.

No warnings. Definitely a good reminder that the internet isn't private, and to use the best data hygiene reasonable for the task.

In fall Nintendo reported 38mil active online accounts. Hopefully that is a big enough population for this game to be a success.

I don't have unlimited resources. I have enough money for the occasional nice thing if I don't piss my money away on dumb stuff and fast food.