Well. She said in her q&a that they are friends since 3 or 4 years

I think she genuinely thinks she is in a forever couple and is entitled to give people advices.  She probably so unsure of herself that she keeps running into the next relationship with any guy that passes by because it gives her the impression to be successful and in the right "path".  She is quite similar to Rach in that aspect, they both claim to be feminists but dont have enough strength to imagine a life outside of what "society" considers "normal". In her q&a Jag said "in the end you should do what feels right" and I think in this case she actually shouldnt. She should stay in the place that seems so unconfortable, just to experiment that it's actually not that unconfortable.

Bonus points for the star wars helmets, this whole scene feels like à déjà vu with Jeff

Relationship advices from these 2 ? They have been dating for 4 months! They are still figuring out how to fonction together !

(4 months if we believe their story, though I feel he's been on her stories for longer)

It's like that film where a man (Micheal Keaton ? Cant remember) copies himself. Each new version gets cheesier.

Million of people do not celebrate mother's day today as well (in Europe I guess). People can make mistake, let's keep it cool

I don't know about the US but these jacket are all around in Paris at the moment 

Oh god the great velvet thong debacle of 2020

The girl probably lives out of her debts, I'm sure the minute she has money she spends it. People like her alternate between fastious days and then whine 3 days after because they have none.

She left so many clues about talking about his ex, gaslighting, being controlling + the fact she got on to antidepressant a few weeks before breaking up might have clear her head and help her realise this relationship wasnt good for her

Maybe after a year and half she got tired to try

Whatever happened to "My passion for Home decor" and "I am an entrepreneur queen" ? There once was talk about a dls 3 and the decor of her home

But does she get any sponcon at all? We've talked about it but I don't think she's getting any at all.

She's soft launching hi for a while now, though we all know it's a mistake

Rachel blocked me and it is actually the best for me. It cut my hate follow, I actually stopped checing the rest of the gang and I found new interests/ cool accounts ti check. Kind of miss this sub, but I can still enjoy the fun when something happens :)

I don't think Leo would watch any Oscar films either

And blaming "long distance" for the break up in the comments, like yes, long distance deserve a thirst post on your dog account because you blocked you ex on your main one.