Energy level is massively affected.

I used to effortlessly spring out of bed.

Now, it's noticeably more difficult.

Yes, and from that point, it's pretty easy to say to themselves, "Well, I don't really care about the social issues; I'll vote for what's best for my family's finances."

Yes, I assume the entire network of greedy scammers will be upset by this news.

In his heart of hearts, he knows he was an evil piece of shit for saying Sandy Hook didn't happen.

Flew a little too close to the sun, didn't he?


All you can control is whether she has the info - what she does with it, due to ego, intelligence, or whatever, is up to her.

Fact is, the only way you'll make decisions for a child is if it's yours.

Well, controlling your ego, thoughts, and attitude, can prepare you to take action when the opportunity is there.

It's like, you're not suddenly going to "manifest" being a successful guitar player...

But by practicing everyday, making the right connections, and putting in long hours, you'll meet the opportunity halfway.

If you're referring to manifesting as in The Secret, it's important to remember that Survivor Bias is at play.

That means, for every Jay-Z who talks about how they worked hard to get rich, there are a million average Joe's who also worked hard and didn't.

Important to keep that in mind when some wealthy Christian is trying to claim supernatural forces led to their success.

Honestly, it's just action.

All the time spent in your head is nothing until you take action.

How's it shoot? Pretty smoothly?

I want that exact type of revolver - is around $400-500 a reasonable price range, including those modifications?

Not the asshole, but definitely short-sighted.

Stay friends with her. Maybe she'll start to really like you, or maybe she has other friends she can introduce you to.

Maybe when you're out with her, a girl will notice and talk to both of you.

Maybe she'll hear about a cool party, and want a +1 she can go with who she trusts.

There are many benefits to having female friends as a straight guy.

Obviously this is framed as critiquing the influencer and her dumb stunt...right?

Well, yeah...

Most straight guys don't listen to girly pop music.

I play it for my daughters, but alone I'm listening to rap mostly.

Try listening to podcasts while you do stuff throughout the day.

I have about 10-20, and sometimes they're even better than anything on Netflix.

Plus, you're free to look at other things, so you can stay busy while listening.

My favorite is Lemon Party, but Tim Dillon Show, Dad Meat, and many others are worth checking out.

Cobra Kai.

Always thought it'd be cool if karate/martial arts was the dominant sport instead of baseball or whatever.

I mean, "severity" is one measurement of crimes...

But "bustability, ie: ease to prove and prosecute" is another. Some crimes are simply harder to prove.

Lots of people would have loved to convict former presidents, but only Trump left a clear paper trail of wrongdoings and fraud.

And for my fellow men, how many of us harbor a feeling of "but this girl is hot - I'm sure she was just misguided and is actually cool."

Just a reminder, monsters come in all forms.

The three 6'5 guys walking towards you on the street might be peaceful scholars or surgeons; the cute 5'4 blonde might be the biggest piece of shit you'll ever meet.

Don't know about that...

Morgan Spurwell just died at the young age of 53.

Yes, he did Super Size Me, where he ate fast food, but was an admitted heavy drinker since the age of 13.

That's how I got good at fighting games back in the day.

When I was younger, I'd drink anytime I lost at Tekken, Street Fighter, etc,

Now that I care about being fit, I'll get a coffee, water, or protein shake instead.