By the responses here I can see there’s a lot of Millie’s and Zoomers running their mouths about shit they know zero about. When these losers get into positions of power this country is truly fucked. Even more than now since Biden destroyed it.

Amazing how many of these no nothing kids fall for any shit the left tells them. I guess as long as they get their college debt “forgiven” whatever Biden does is ok with them. Even if it’s weaponizing the judicial system. Not sure how a local prosecutor and judge can try someone for a federal crime as it’s out of their jurisdiction.

Right, because queer people do so much to make America better. Dumbass.

Wow. Maybe it’s hard to find tall women? People are just weird.

How in Gods green earth could someone put one in backwards? Just looking at it should give you an idea of how it functions.

I work IT in multiple buildings that you need badge access to get into. I hate when I’m walking around looking for my clients desk and people pop up and ask who I am, am I lost, do I need help (not as bad) how did I get in the building. While I have an employee badge in plain sight.

Can’t reason with either of the zealot sides. Israel harming civilians, hammas murdering civilians. Philistines defending hammas even though hey should give them up to end the war. I guess the war will end when the philistines love their children as much as they hate the Jews.

Except America is a republic with some democratic processes.

$95, holy crap. Maybe I should sell the one I’m not using.

I have that model also, I have done some mods and found that most boards have the Y axis input backwards so it’s going the opposite direction it thinks it is and makes a grinding sound.

People sure enunciate it like they are using a slur. But whatever. Most people don’t know what the word f@g originally meant.

Not his fault y’all are prudes. I don’t have any myself but each their own.

I installed a creality 4.2.7 mainboard and a custom firmware and it works better than ever. Did you get a board yet? I stupidly thought the first one I got was a knock off. It wasn’t and now I have a second board.

The thing everyone seems to not admit is, losing a loved one leaves you feeling lost and unanchored. I have become increasingly frustrated at work after losing my sister. The world feels like a garbage fire and small micro aggressions from management seem like outright attacks. I doubt he could be fired for being an ass at Walmart but he felt he should apologize because it’s the right thing to do.

You are correct, one of many battle flags used by the Democrats during the civil war.

I never bought into that whole qanon thing (still don’t know what that was) or that Michelle was a guy. I may be a conservative and a Republican but I would tell people online that was tacky to say something like that and they needed to kick it off.

From the group that changed child molester to pedophile to minor attracted person. You need to look at your group too.

Bitch please. I don’t lick anyone’s boots. That would be all you fools for Biden so he pays off your student loans. I don’t even like Trump but you idiots think that if someone doesn’t like Biden they must like Trump.

So you like the issues Biden created with the economy? Do you even work? More than likely not. Interest rates for housing is at 9% and that’s on Biden. And then the two wars he started. But that’s ok because he bought your votes and he doesn’t send mean tweets that hurt your precious little feelings.

Yeah, no. I see you believe the leftist lies. The Trump era tax cuts helped the middle and lower classes too. I know you’re probably a Millie or Zoomer and you know better than everyone because you trust AOC so, so much.

Biden is lower and lies more. Started two wars to boot. I’m not a Trump supporter but I believe in the truth. Too bad people don’t go looking for it.

an extremely toxic blue green chemical with four main uses: pigment, animal poison (mostly rodenticide), insecticide, and blue colorant for fireworks.

I didn’t know sunscreen in school was a thing until my kids went to school. Course I’m old so they neglected us as much as the parents did.