Try to find someone with B12 deficiency experience. This naturopath doesn't have experience with his and I just really wish I could have a doctor be the doctor for me and be familiar with symptoms, side effects, cofactors etc instead of me telling the doctor what tests to order, having to find out on my own what's normal and what's not...

It's scary, but I've had lots of other scary heart symptoms that last for hours or days at a time. Been in an ambulance to ER several times, tons of testing, ECGs, Holter monitors, X ray, heart ultrasound etc they have found nothing. But this feels different. A wobbly, jittery, almost over-caffeinated kind of feeling in my chest, eith or worhout racing heart vs. irregular heartbeats and chest pain and tightness (my "usual").

No but he did look at my recent blood work, there is a ton of it. There are only a few medical contraindications- kidney problems, liver problems, one more I am forgetting the name off the top of my head when your blood is already too thin

Most of the morning and on and off last night. Really hard during the first 20 min or so of the infusion

There is potassium in the IV bag... I don't know how much that is compared to the recommended intake. I will try to load up on some today thank you

My step-dad knowingly took on me and my 2 brothers - one of us ASD with major challenges, one of us in EXTREME mental health crisis, all of us (barely) recovering from trauma. It was clear to me that he did not want us, he was not cut out to handle our problems, and he only wanted to "fix" us to be a hero and puff up his own ego.

I'm not saying what to do. I'm just saying to think about it seriously. Your first responsibility is to your son, and kids can tell when they aren't loved or wanted. If I were in the same situation, I wouldn't consider a relationship with anyone who was not wholeheartedly committed to my kids, and prepared to love them through all the frustrations and messes they bring with them. It's natural to get frustrated with that kind of stuff if you're not used to it. It's not appropriate to act out about it. You are the one who knows your BF - what are his true intentions? Is this something he is ready for at this point in his life? Is he just as committed to your son as he is to you?

Freshwater aquariums. My personal health issues. Homeschooling.

Ahh, the elusive neohotdogbunia mustardii. It's rumoured that they're rarely thrown in a skittles tank, but I've never seen proof, myself ...

If also does NOT agree with his misophonia 😅

I thought this was normal, but my husband does not. Lol

I still have to try hard to keep it more discreet when there's men around. All ladies? All bets are off

Are you doing the accompanying stretches and excercises as outlined in the instruction manual? I'm just getting started

Well. I did spend $75 CAD hoping it would be a tool and not a gimmick 😅 the immediacy of it was pleasantly surprising, though!

In terms of the migraines. It's possible the costo is part of the problem. But they're pretty complex and alarming. My symptoms are actually more like a stroke, and I don't get a headache from them at all. It will be interesting to see if improving the costo and my posture provides any relief.

I'll work on the other exercises on the backpod instructions, too. Thanks for all the input 😄

Backpod - instant results? Palpitation relief? Experience

Hey all!

So I'm in the middle of a months-long, complex medical crisis, with a wide range of debilitating symptoms, one diagnosis of brainstem migraine, and many more investigations underway. One of my symptom sets includes chest pain, tightness, and heart palpitations. While some of this can be attributed to my new migraines, these have actually come and gone many times over the years, and much (but not all) of the pain is clearly musculoskeletal. I can feel "knots" or trigger points between my ribs and try to massage it out. I've had an assault of testing done already, including many ECGs, Holter monitors, a chest x-ray, stress test, several ER trips etc and all they can find in my chest is a benign PVC. So nothing is supposedly wrong with my heart.

Long story short, I'm already drowning in medical stuff, so I'm giving myself a tentative self- diagnosis of both costo and tietze's, after looking in to the causes, symptoms and characteristics. I also have terrible posture, I'm very hypermobile, and STRONGLY suspect I have hEDS (I have looked at the official diagnostic criteria).

Anyhow. Joined this group and saw the recommendation for the Backpod. Ordered it and it came in today. After the first session, my posture was immediately the best it's ever been - without any effort! I could feel the stretch through the pain points, it felt so clear to me that it was working. Has anyone else had so much immediate success? Does it last if persistent with the backpod? Has anyone had palpitations with costo/tietze's, and if so, did the Backpod alleviate them?

Thank you

Fascinating! What an age we live in. I will look into them, thank you!

I'm super new to migraines. I haven't heard of this before.?

Oooh. I get the stiff neck too. I'll try this!

Coffee is one of the first things to go for me. I hardly have any anyways because I'm so sensitive to it (besides the migraines- palpitations, stomach issues).

Stopping migraines without meds

I haven't got a medication that works and is safe for me yet. Are there any non-medical strategies for stopping or reducing the severity of a migraine when you feel it coming on?

I have brain stem migraine with brain stem aura. So symptoms appear more like stroke, MS relapse, or heart attack. I do not get headaches. I call my migraines "episodes," because I can't bring myself to call it a migraine without a headache. They're still EXTREMELY debilitating and I have been to the ER several times since they started - including by ambulance - and had stroke protocol and heart event protocols run on me. I can lose my ability to stand, walk, hold things, read, speak, and swallow. Chest pains and palpitations that feel like my body is trying to die. Still feel like a liar calling them migraines.

Awww that's heartbreaking 💔 😢 I'm glad you were able to sort it out early!

Which size of squishmallow do you recommend? I know what they kind of look like and I know they come in different sizes, but I'm not sure what the standard size would be to use.