For clarification, business manager and talent manager are different roles. Business managers handle your financials both personal and business (if you have an s-corp, etc.)

Because it gets exhausting taking meds twice a day forever.

Self-compassion. I try to remember I went through a difficult thing I couldn’t control. Focusing on that vs. what I did or said has helped me immensely.

This season is much easier to enjoy if you look at it as co-workers in a feud.

She’s doing her very best.

i would die for that sunscreen. op, get this one.

if you live in (or near) a city with a koreatown, you’ll find a beauty supply store in a random mall that carries all the good stuff.

Welcome to Black Housewives! You’re gonna have a great time!

I suspect they do what many food reality shows do: a shot of people running to pick up the food, then the run out of frame or run around the room like they’re looking for stuff with item in hand then CUT. Then swap with a usable, fresh ingredient.

Usually, you can’t use/eat the food in a display. It takes a long time to shoot this stuff. A scallop on a display under hot lights is too much of a risk. Then, they probably gather their actual proteins, start the clock, then everyone runs again. I doubt all of this is shot perfectly in real time. Cut together you’d never know the difference.

Same with any other show. A huge display of yummy food? They’ll do a shot where they say, “Okay react excited at the food. Approach. Grab what you want. DON’T EAT. Cut!” Then props exchanges everyone’s food with a safer one. This wouldn’t apply to challenges where they feed 100 ppl because they’re actively cooking food.

source: worked on a few food shows.

If you want a cheap farmers market, go to Super King and imagine there’s no roof.

Yea and even if the studio didn’t pay for the submission… Everyone applies for any Emmy category they’re qualified for. Awards = money and opportunity—even for bigger stars. It’s a business. The Emmy parties are fun. The prelim voting ballot is basically anyone who’s taken a breath on television. I’m neutral on Bradley fwiw.

Nene with that weird guy and the watch. Every line in the scene. The funniest Nene’s ever been to me. Cringe + how Nene deals with cringe is gold. Editors deserved an Emmy for that.

Yes! It’s so good. The new spot Sushi Note Omakase in Beverly Hills is great too but at the top of your range at $190 before everything else.