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I taught 1-2 year olds and when the group was around 18 months old. 3 of the girls started bullying another saying she couldn’t play with them, shaking their heads and saying no. There was one that would do it first and the other two would agree. It was crazy. So each time myself or co-teacher would help them enter each other’s play group. They ended up all being really food friends, and are all 10 now. Kids are MEAN, but that young we were able to help them. Of course there are times we said the girl could go play somewhere else because you aren’t always accepted in life. But yea, kids start bullying young. They just don’t always realize their actions.

NTA. No telling what lies he is telling the pastor and members. If he told them exactly what you said they should encourage him to follow the responsibilities to bring you in. They are being so forceful and I bet you’re proud of your ability to do what’s best for you and not bowing to peer pressure! If you’re ever ready to join a church, I think it should be a decision his will not be a choice for you.

NTA as long as you’re good with your sister or BIL not coming. Excluding children is absolutely your right to make your event how you want it to be. As long as you’re okay with the No’s that come in. I’m guessing with 3 children, depending where you live, it will be $20-$35 per hour to hire the nanny, more if there’s a hotel to be bought to keep them nearby. Our finances are okay, but it has never made sense to us to pay hundreds to go to weddings that don’t care about half of our family. Still NTA to keep saying no to her about to no children, because at the end of the day it is both yours and fiancé’s day.

Partassipant [1]

NTA. It is her responsibility to arrive in a timely manner to ensure their seats are together. This is not your fault. The entire plane has the right to say no to her taking their seat. It’s on her. Even if it isn’t assigned seats and you boarded first. She could have paid extra to board sooner.

I see myself on both sides of this. Being the dense one and being the one mad about a hypothetical. Like I wouldn’t divorce my hubby if someone catastrophic happened, but I wouldn’t be able to care for him. I would need medical professionals to support me.

Is that what she was asking? If you would divorce her?

Partassipant [1]

Dang, that’s a gorgeous dress! You say there are THOUSANDS online, but we all know how hard it is to find a dress that is as advertised. I think you need to help her find some appropriate ones you would not veto.

Now he can be embarrassed that his girlfriend broke up with him because he couldn’t meet her needs

Im tired of brides being insecure about being “showed up” like every person is staring directly at the bride and groom for 6+ hours. Just have fun! Even if she showed up in the nude “well, that’s Gail for you” and then back to dancing.

Partassipant [1]

Tell your husband, go out and buy him a speedo and head out to the lake together. Your husband may have bragged about your efforts and being proud of you. I agree with friends. Being insecure. Jerks

Partassipant [1]

For real. She and her kids already got lunch at a cafe. Then he cleans all their dishes from earlier and can either make his own ramen or HE can go get take out for them both because she is hungry too. Seems like she is the fun parent and based on this post she isn’t bringing much to the household, not even empathy!

NTA. Maybe you could bring it up that you would take him there solo, since he hates that specific park your son really wants to go to (good time to reiterate it should be your sons choice), and a different weekend you will all go to the other amusement park. If you all aren’t hurting for funds. If that doesn’t work say he is welcome to come with zero complaints before, during, or after the day is done. Good luck!

I think the kiddo will be fine without question, it’s mom looping through every possible horrible scenario that could befall them until the text comes through that they are all good. It’s the aching heart of being away for the first time, but dang reuniting feels great. I’m just talking about overnights when I felt this way. OP is the one who isn’t ready to be away from the child.

NTA. She loves you and will jump you the first chance she has. She disrespected the boundary you consistently put up. It is sexual harassment. If it was the other way around, I assume you would be in trouble.

I had this thought too. Could dad have made his wife/child be more of a single parent household while he supported his sister/niece? His amazing relationship with his daughter could be her starving for attention from her dad.

I've places 2,199 Bets and have made a difference of 34,109,549. There was one day I accidentally only bet 9 and not the 10. I'm pretty happy with that amount in the past 6.5 months

Man me too. I doubt she thought “oh a teenager, good let me slap him”. More likely “oh shite, someone is undoing my suit; twirl, SLAP, oh it’s a teen”.

Way to go dad! My dad was on the squeamish side in the beginning and we were told not to talk to him about it. Problem was he had 3 girls who loved to talk about it, so he adjusted and became someone we could go to in need/listened. Still mostly mom, but he would run to the store the second we needed it. My hubby will talk about it all day long and we have two girls so hopefully they will be comfortable going to both of us the way yours go to you and your wife!

Partassipant [1]

NTA. The pool with 7 kids is HUGE. If his behavior struggles at home what will it be like in a potential drowning environment. Maybe your wife can go next time so she is 1:1 in charge of him at the pool for several hours.

My hubby and I named our kiddo from Full Metal Alchemist haha. But we both agreed on the name. Now I want to name a kid Elric. 🎶oh hubby 🎶

Yes my body went through the wringer for the baby we both wanted. Stretch marks, fuppa that doesn’t quit. My husband also doesn’t quit. He got the baby back to sleep at night, cooked, cleaned, changed diapers, helped with my diapers early on (what a fun experience) and we parent together from birth to infinity. Gifts are nice, OPs wife is asking for a bribe. She doesn’t want a baby. She wants a car. She should just save for a car and be done. She needs to ask herself is OP the partner who will help raise and baby and OP needs to do the same.

Branding him. Perfect. You know what I got for being pregnant? A baby. Pretty fortunate as some women lose the babies they want. She doesn’t want a baby, she wants a car.

My 6 yr old daughter could not care less about FaceTimers. Real person she is all about. FaceTime? You’ve got about 20 seconds before she’s bored

Yesssss. Those intense judgmental eyes telling me how lazy I am. GET OFF THE BED DOG

That’s gross. Lay the kid to bed and then go get it on the bathroom floor. I feel weird when the dog is in the room let alone another human being.