If you only count MSIP, the f16 has been "upgraded" 3 times. Most of the improvements from MSIP IV Are in place on the most modern F16s as well. I would argue the F16 is one of the most upgraded planes in existence. It's like the Honda civic of the sky's, countries buy them and do crazy stuff to them.

And the major upgrade program of the F18 basically turned it into a new plane.

Under 30 it's like getting hit by lightning.

Talk to Me and Smile clearly wear their Hereditary inspirations on their sleeve but don't subvert and aren't as finely detailed. Still both worth a watch I think. As far as I can tell there is no other movie like Hereditary

Well, by mentally ill they mean "was on Adderall for 30 days when they were 15" and by on drugs mean "smoked weed one summer 4 years ago".

🎶do you come from a land down under🎶

Its a coworker meme. The kind of meme people say to each other that aren't chronically online. Anchorman had lots of them before everybody was plugged in.

New mythical fighter, Defensively Responsible Jiri.

People the size of Alex were either born in countries where wrestling isn't popular or if you're that big you become a rugby player or an american football player. At least that's why I think wrestling is so underrepresented in the heavier divisions.

This is a clarification, similar to the Clinton Vs. Jones ruling in 1997. President's have had Absolute Immunitiy for official acts since at least 1982.

Is Backseat Freestyle even considered a deep cut? If yes then that's my pick.

Woke has been present in black American culture since the 30s. It was actually hijacked in the early 2010s by online conspiracy groups and later entered the whole collective consciousness in the late 2010s with its current meaning.

I think we might have this belief that scavs have more spawn points because we see them so many places but I believe this is because they spawn then wander. I believe that's why a map like Streets feels different, because it's so large the scavs can end up just about anywhere but the PMCs always seem to be in the same place. I don't have any re-produceable testing on the matter, but I do strongly believe based on my own observations that PVE PMC's and Scavs share spawns.

My supporting observations for this would be the time I spent getting secure perimeter done and no place for renegades. In both locations you could get scavs, PMCS, or both. In Bunker for No Place For Renegades you could Scavs, Raiders, or PMCs. Sometimes very rarely you could get all three spawned in the same spot.

No they don't. I imagine the game just goes through a random dice roll every time the server spins up.

Spawn point, yes/no. Spawn scavs, yes/no. Spawn raiders, yes/no. Spawn PMCs, yes/no. So anywhere a scav or a raider can spawn is somewhere a PMC could spawn.

I'm pretty sure they don't share boss spawns though. Sometimes they spawn with or near them so it seems like they don't take up the same spawn slot.

Unfortunately it's just trial and error over many many hours. Eventually you'll learn the loot tables which rarely overlap between Raider (PMC) and Scav. In addition to that there are little details, like the fact that a PMC will always have a sidearm and almost always wear eyewear. The backpacks rarely overlap as well.

The calories in calories out crowd have an absolute stranglehold on the collective consciousness surrounding food and health in the western world. While the math is certainly correct, it seems like you can't even have a conversation around the effects of seed oils and high fructose corn syrup on hunger hormone signalling, insulin resistance, and satiety. As long as someone's total daily energy expenditure is 2300 calories, in the mind of the masses, it doesn't matter if your calories come from chugging 2300 calories in seed oil. It gets labeled as Perfectly HealthyTM

Not super proud of the fact that I didn't notice the gun for like 3 weeks after listening to the album for the first time lmao.

Having been in and out of the carnivore spaces for a few years, some people thrive and some people don't. The reasons why I stopped doing it, and prominent former carnivore messiah Paul Saladino stopped doing it were for the same reasons. I couldn't sleep longer than 4 hours at a time. It was like my brain was telling me "go find some fruit or honey dummy", and I was really dehydrated all the time. I was going through a metric fuckton of electroytes every day and nothing could touch it. But add a little fruit and honey into the mix and i'd feel great.

My diet now consists of hard cheese, lots of fruit, meat, and honey and I feel great.

I didn't romantic anyone I had war on my mind