“Don’t spend so much and save money when you can.” —The Ramsey Method

Big Fish…movie reminded me so much of my own dad. Growing up he told me a lot stories (not in a self-aggrandizing way) some aspects of which I doubted. Turns out when I spoke to relatives and old friends of his these stories were true.

I wouldn’t put it on him like “if you don’t propose by X date then we’re done…” because he could buck up against being challenged. Rather, I would make known your own personal ultimatum like “I’m confused by the path we seem to be on. I don’t see my life continuing on this trajectory much longer without certain milestones or commitments it doesn’t make sense […]” He’ll of course pick-up on what you’re insinuating and you can clarify or let it lay. This approach lets him know you’re in a decision making position and not just waiting on him.

Yeah, that’s a tough situation. She’s not your responsibility though. That said, I would definitely extend myself in trying to assist her in getting the help she needs.

Nah bud. Taking what you’re saying happened at face value, there’s clearly a lack of emotional maturity on her end.

NTA, however, I do understand the consternation from your new man and I think you should try to also look at it from his perspective a little bit. I’m guessing the new guy is a decent guy or you wouldn’t be with him. Is it safe to assume he was very understanding of your emotions for your late husband when you first started dating? If so, I imagine now that you’re moved in, to him it may seem like he’s not enough, or that you he doesn’t have your whole heart. It sounds like he needs some reassurance and a sit down to tell him what your late husband meant and what your new guy means presently to you.

Yeah, but when you filter for 6’-9” guys with receding hairlines he’s second only to LeBron.

Either an RN or a Dental Hygiene program (not to be confused with Dental Assistant).

Man, the guy in the cherry-picker was insanely lucky that pissed off chimp didn’t reach him in the bucket. He would have been ripped apart.

I’m confused. Your story reads like you’re not interested but you’re wondering if you should make a move?

Sounds like a pet theory that be discussed on Joe Rogan’s podcast.

You should follow your interests but just know that “passion” is overrated. In this world, you generally need money. As such, being practical in choosing your career (i.e., can you make money in the field, will the industry exist 10-15 years from now, can I advance???).

I went to grad school at age 35. It completely changed the trajectory of my life (for the good). Also, can almost promise you that you won’t be the oldest person there.