This is why i told you to push for the report. More of what happened at the cousins came out than what she told you.

Cant trust her man. Using protection and asking for a dna test because you know you took the steps to prevent it isnt bad. But her lying about being drugged and raped to make you feel like shit about asking to make sure its yours? Yeah huge issue.

Green hills of stranglethorn. Suffer like we all did.

When Alexstraza was depressed and you went with Thrall to go find her, wasnt she in Desolace judt staring into the ocean on the edge of a cliff?

A dragon centuries old found the saddest place in the world to go be alone. Its there.

I found out you can search talents today to find ones you need

Gotta give us a name so we can avoid him if we see him

Ive been saying this. Engineers have teleports already and theres literally models for it in game. All they have to do is give it a chance to backfire and port us out somewhere when we use it and it's perfect. Professions are the solution to limited class ability access.

Also i still want an engineering guide for ogres or something to unlock engineering gadgets for non engineers.

I am absolutely turned on with the stone bulwark totem existing. Might actually take a capstone node now in my class tree.

This is the real answer. Hes gunna dragon claw the shit out of the first 3.

Zoro being able to cut flames plus haki to handle the logia aspect of it. At best sabo gets to use his fire like a smoke screen and land some hits in. Would be the furthest he gets and it would be a draw.

Graves cigar.

That said, i miss Rammus's old ult. One of the few abilities that did turret damage. Woukd be fun to run someone down under their turret while it hit me and i hit the turret back.

Bro im furious for you. Have a dna test done on the youngest one since you had the vasectomy and it still somehow happened. Go to a doctor and get tested to make sure youre still shooting blanks too.

Talk to your son. Tell him things are tough right now with your wife and ask him if hes ok. Hes old enough to see what goes on and he fucking knows, that's why hes taking the load off of you. Talk to the kids and let them know what's going on since your wife revealed she'll lie to them to make them think youre the bad guy.

Talk to a lawyer about the divorce too. Dont drag your feet woth the excuse you dont have the money right now. Have your bank put a hold on the cards she has too, since she technically stole them.

And when she gets back, you need no hesitation to tell her youre filing for divorce and youre done with it. You tried to fix this, everyone opened your eyes and you really really tried to fix this.dont let her lie to you about making it work.

I understand. Im just saying if the guy is 22 thats a charge regardless if its rape or not. Theres a confirmation he had sex with a minor inside of her. Its fully likely shes scared and doesnt want the fallout of this, but its also possible she was more willing in it than shes saying too

Sit down sir. Ive been asking for a dual wield shields tank spec for warriors since WoD.

Should look it up. If hes "too old" for her you can have her press charges because shes a minor. If he denies it, prenatal dna test of the kid in her. Id find out.

Like 4 days ago a woman posted her husband keeps over tightening jars and he keeps saying its an accident he doesnt mean to do it. Iiirc they had a fight before he went on a week long trip for work and he tightened EVERYTHING and she broke down. Her neighbor helped her with some, and had to use tools to open 2 jars, 1 of which shattered.

Her realization hes intentionally being malicious and filing for divorce was because he tightened a jar in the back of the fridge for some ingredient she hardly uses in a dish only she cooks, that he 1000% coudlnt have taken to open as a snack and tightened it. Thus proving to her its intentional.

Wild read tbh. Shes a good story teller because while i felt her frustration i was dying because its absurd but its happening

How olds the cousin? Is 17 still a minor where you live?

If hes "too old" be can get charged that way at least. Shes got the dna proof in her if he is.

Wouldnt there also be medical records of it if she got checked out she could provide? Seems the ex could easily prove it.

Nta. Is "if you want to marry him you have to wait until youre a grown up and by then he may have married someone else. If i marry him i get to keep him in both of our lives forever" a discussion point?

People saying quests need to tell us what quest needs a rank 1. All the quests ive seen require rank 2.

Theres no real reason they do it.

Yeah but what benefits off lower quality mats? Besides that one weekly for rank 2 of a mat for bartering?

Honestly the post is so long i forgot about that part lol. Yeah thats the only thing that moves this into "go to the graduation" instead of "tell them both theyre little c*nts for making you choose and threatening to go no contact if you choose the other one and youre going to neither because youre not playing this stupid game"

It genuinely sucks for this that the osolith moves everything onto one creature. If you could move all the counters across everything that would be great

Its old school. Before you didnt have a resource bar you had this to save mana and melee something a little harder.

Shamans can deal with knockbacks by using gust of wind.

Warriors can negate knockbacks by charging immediately onto the target again.

Yeah theyre killing the lore with this honestly. And the worst part is they dont care and theyre just retconning everything.

Races that were ABUSED by demons are suddenly ok with summoning more of them? Bolovat made more death knights, which is fine. You can argue that martial classes like warrior, hunter, and even rogue made sense because you can TRAIN that. Priest was fine because you can be taught the ways of the light. Ill even allow mages because of course you can be taught that, they have so many magic schools in the game anyway.

But warlocks? Youre giving warlocks to races that are anti-demon? Draenei and night elves shouldnt at all be warlocks. Tauren shouldnt be warlocks after joining the orcs who were literally blood crazed slaves of demons, along with seeing what the feltotem did to the highmountain. Maghar literally avoided corruption a second time. Lightforged literally fought them for thousands of years. They flat out said zandalari had no connections to fel yet here they are.

The night elf paladin i agree with, fully. Forsaken paladins are a no because we know the light hurts the priests to use as is, which is why they use shadow magic to heal. Shamans and druids are a connection to the world around you and quite frankly blood elves suck power from anything they can and gnomes are too "smart" to follow that.

Restrictions exist for a lore reason. If they start removing that then they need to devote a couple dozen people to fixing outfits so that new stuff fits on taurens and draenei because having tier sets look like absolute shit is unacceptable if this is how they want to play it.