It has more to do with the nature of the online than anything else. Imagine invading someone for PvP, and they just pause for six hours. It would ruin the entire feature.

Said feature is not only an iconic feature of Fromsoft games, but also pretty important to the lore and world building.

Sometimes you just don't want to have responsibility and just want to shoot things.

He 100% would. In Shad's religion, this behavior is considered morally acceptable. The only issue being that they weren't married.

Mormons are TERRIBLE people.

If you need pre-workout, you shouldn't be working out.

It's less the meat industry and more the weird-ass alpha sphere.

I think you can get a special rifle from fort Riggs but I don't remember.

Gaslightling is literally the only mechanism conservatism has. So yeah, they might have genuinely forgotten.

I feel you. I usually run a Sandevistan and I miss returning every second of it. Sandi go whoosh though, so it makes up for it.

This really do be what no pussy does to s mother fucker.

You're just unhinged; full-stop.

As such, you invalidate the rest of us. Stop.

Literally all of us have never not called them Shad. Not Shadash, or whatever the fuck. Just Shad. It's not a tenth as deep as you're making it out to be.

I'm agreeing with you but if that's how you want to play, well fuck you too.

There's a difference between calling out a genuinely bad thing (the thing this sub is dedicated to) and dedicated a....nine(?) Paragraph post to direction your own parasocial relationship with a personality (your post)

Yes, what you said is true. What's also, very obviously true from your post, is that Shad is taking a front-seat in your own life. The mods of this sub don't care as much about the ins and outs of his, completely conjected mental and physical state.

This sub, exists to document the tangible means this guy fell into alt-right propaganda.

Your post, exists seemingly to disect the mental state of this real, actual person, into your own fictitious self-filatio. We are not the same.

Like, imagine if The Fellowship found another band in the Mines of Moria, and immediately killed them. Absolute RETARD behavior.

But y'all are too barbaric to have this conversation.

Okay my other comment is abject trolling, this one is sincere; git gud.

The game, literally tells you that PVP is bad, and you are bad for engaging in it. PVEVP means something, don't get pissy at a game for punishing you for doing the opposite of what it wants.

Seriously, just make it through a dungeon without having to use another person to survive. This isn't tarkov, you're not scavs. You're just playing the game wrong, and then complaining that it punishes you for it.

For the 50th time, you will ALWAYS find more loot by breaking pots, than by engaging in pvp. Pvp in this game exists to test your dumb ass and your greed. 100% of the time, it's better to band together in Dark And Darker than it is to fight.

Dude hasn't realized Kit is a lie.

Just get good yo. You'll pick up all the kit you need mid-crawl. If you aren't going in half-naked, you're not dungeon-diving.

I mean yes, you're correct, LogicalAsh both is Shad himself, and we should make it known that everyone else knows.

But also dude, your own mental health is WAY more important than this shit. This post is a glaring sign of obsession. I thank you for using your powers of being chronically online for good. But holy shit, you as a human, waaaaaaay more important than this bullshit.

I might be reading too much into it, but fuckin' take care of yourself Holmes.

Looks like there's a malfunction with your sandevistan.

Hey baby, are you Meridia Super Colony? Cause I wanna fill you with my goo and open up your gaping hole.

It's not a big hit.

This is like when people sag an argument is invalid because you said a "buzzword"

Mother fucker, "Buzzword" is a buzzword.

I didn't realize until this current play through, which is like my fourth, just how short the main story content is. After the heist you can theoretically get away with only doing like 9 story quests.

The side content really is where the game takes off. I think about the Peralez stories, and Sanrda Dorset more than I think about any other gaming THING.

It's something you shouldn't feel bad for enjoying. If it's your first martial art, it will at the very least instill you with thw fundamentals of discipline, breathing techniques, and the comradery which keeps all of us practicing.

But it's not going to help you in a self-defense, or combat situation.