Ahh congrats!! Mine is due in 5 weeks and I cannot wait

Yes you are a horrible dog mom Lauren. This doesn’t even seem believable that even Shiloh wouldn’t notice and say anything? My friends’ 3 year old was over yesterday and we went to our community pool and she even kept asking if our dog was coming lol kids are too smart

Although you can definitely stay on it while pregnant. Especially if predisposed to postpartum depression like she is

Damn that is an estate! And bigger than her real house right?

I mean you can’t really blame her for not wanting to bang this thing..

Looks like the fake abs made it into the reel, yay

Cause she keeps complaining that nothing fits her right now. So she has to wear a S instead of XS 🙄

She has a kidney disease, IgA nephropathy. Which can put you at risk of preeclampsia and preterm labor. She also has an inguinal hernia and a cyst I believe but not sure if those impact anything

I think they meant because she is a high risk pregnancy so sometimes OBs don’t recommend flying. She’s only 32 weeks but is getting induced early due to her health conditions

Nope only if they grow some San Marzano tomatoes 😅

Yup I made that comment below that no one wants to see that haha

I’ll only be impressed when he starts doing his own tomato canning and making authentic Italian food for her 🤣

Well at least it will blend better with the blonde extensions now! That was probably the main goal

The weirdest. Too many lies to keep up with

Grosss no one wants to see marky half naked in the morning 🍆and her talking with her mouth full of food 🤢

When is she getting her surgeryyy to check for endometriosis? Lol

Honestly Target sandals are so comfy! I have some slides and those waterproof type Birkenstock style from there that still fit me. I cannot wear tennis shoes or anything narrow cause my feet have widened and occasionally swell (34 weeks, in Georgia)

Ahh ok that’s good to know! I wish that she was following her instead then lol. Must be some kook in real life that she knows..

You forgot drinking wine when pretending she doesn’t drink!


“Walmart flip flops”. How embarrassing!! Nope your Celine bag does not cancel that out. They see these people and immediately know they’re American tourists!


Guess what would also balance your blood sugar.. 🫠