It's great. Lots of options. You have a finite number of turns to do what you can. It's a solid puzzle and a really good refinement of Rosenbergs worker placement games.

Not believing everything you read online.

Way to go antivaxx kooks!

Oh goodness. How will you ever keep an eye on her till you reach the sink that is 6 feet away?

TOR - NHL :60312:

Obviously he's going to LTIRetire in 4 but full NMC tells me this is like hiring a plumber on a holiday weekend. You're desperate and you're going to pay.

Worst case scenario is we might get a decent gladiator movie which are always fun.

I thought sidekick or comic relief in a Call of Duty knockoff.

Same here. Good cure for insomnia. Really generic and forgettable.i may have seen the whole thing but it just went on trough.

It sucked then and sucks now. No amount of revisionism will change that.

I've felt we've been poorly utilizing him for a while but if this is the way he's going to get then he can piss up a rope.

Now of course his return will be less due to the public demand (thanks CJ and "sources") and inevitably he'll tear it when we play him again.

He'll be OK. Christ. The guy is sitting on millions of dollars to do whatever the hell he wants forever.

Maybe if the Leafs get relegated we'll be in a good position to dominate juniors.

Can't believe people are suggesting bringing this guy back!

Well I suppose I can based on the crazy stuff this sub comes up with.

I suppose you conspiracy cookoos think this means we're renting toaster ovens next.

NTA for wanting to protect family wealth but you do talk like an asshole who places zero value or trust in your future wife.

How'd your mom and dad do it? Did one of them boil the others contribution in life and love down to a "coin toss" or did they act like human beings?

They were always a bit expensive but convenience won. Now their prices are insane and downright insulting since they've outpaced most measures just like Loblaws but they don't think highly enough of their customers to even be honest about the greed.

One of the better things that came out of the pandemic online video trends. Love this guy.

We'll surf every weekend in the wake of the scallop boats!


This reads like a Facebook post shared by old aunts and rhe "yells at cloud" crowd. Was there even a scooter or old lady in this real situation?


Do they still have a macaron bakery downtown? Forget the name but those things are undisputed kings of "cookies".

That's the Globe and Mail (and many other paywalled outlets) strategy. Vague title, hidden content. Rile them up and they fight and click and fight and click.


Companies who oppoae the carbon tax, foreign entities who want to keep the west destabilized and divided, social services as mentioned.