If the business owner is a responsible person, you will not allowed to eat there again. Some of them will literally have you thrown out of the restaurant if necessary. And no, it does not harm their “reputation.” Americans love vigilante justice. The other diners will cheer and applaud your expulsion with glee, tip their servers even better. and probably spit on you on their way out.

American servers absolutely depend on tips to survive. It makes up the majority of their income. Our federal minimum wage is already only $7.25/hr. And restaurants usually pay less than minimum wage to servers, with the expectation that customers will make up the difference.

I’ve served before, and I’ve known plenty of other servers whose actual paychecks were only $100-200—sometimes less. Tips are the only thing that enable them to pay their bills and feed themselves. So choosing not to tip is tantamount to saying “I don’t care if you’re homeless next week.”

They can’t, really. My dad bought a big stupid truck about 10 years ago that he still hasn’t paid off. It’s extremely expensive to fuel and maintain, and it has so many mechanical problems (that can only be worked on by the dealership because they require proprietary tools) that he ends up driving my mom’s Honda most of the time.

Uh, yeah. Christianity is a machine built to create misery and shame. Discomfort is the correct reaction.

The shadow temple wasn’t exactly a Sheikah “base” per se. It was a torture chamber.

Kakariko was a Sheikah village. And the Sheikah were servants of the royal family of Hyrule. They did Hyrule’s dirty work. They built a prison underground for enemies of the royal family, at the bottom of what later became the town’s well. And the shadow temple itself was an extension of the prison, kind of a maximum-security sector where they tortured prisoners—most likely burying them in Kakariko graveyard, right outside the sealed door to the temple. I imagine they could’ve just thrown the bodies right off the cliff into a cess pit—which Link explores when he learns the Sun Song. Imo, these tortured prisoners were probably mostly made up of other Sheikah who betrayed the royal family. The gravestones say that they had “swore loyalty to the royal family of Hyrule,” but it does not mention any details about how they died.

Even if this particular detail wasn’t present, Hyrule is just fantasy Germany in every game. And the shadow temple was surely based off that particular castle.

The dev team used renaissance Germany as a reference. And this is a renaissance-era German castle. Castle Town, the Temple of Time, and Kakariko village are also German. It wasn’t just in the architecture either. The original music was inspired by German composers, Zelda’s name is Old High German, the landscape is German, Link and Zelda’s appearance is German. Hyrule, like Amestris in Fullmetal Alchemist, is basically just fantasy Germany all the way through. Even the idea of a “Magic Flute” (the Ocarina) comes directly from a German opera.


That castle and the town around it were built in the 1600’s. It’s a quintessential example of renaissance German architecture. And renaissance germany was very much the aesthetic inspiration for Hyrule. The main theme of Zelda was inspired by German composers. Even the name “Zelda” is Old High German. Hyrule is extremely German down to its bones, not just in its architecture and names, but also its mythology and the apparent ethnicities of its people. Even the idea of the Ocarina comes directly from a German opera, Die Zauberflöte—literally, the Magic Flute. Hyrule, like Amestris in FMA, is just fantasy Germany. And it isn’t just Ocarina of Time either. Every incarnation of Hyrule bears striking resemblance to Germany, and every incarnation of Link and Zelda would fit in comfortably with renaissance German people—apart from the pointy ears.

I never noticed this exact detail though. Good eye! The shadow temple, as a piece of historic Hyrule that was sealed away due to atrocities committed there, is extremely well-represented by this castle.

I’m so sick of it. I lost 3 matches in a row today just trying to do these dailies. And I had to spend hundreds of crystals just to get these stupid cards that are utterly useless for the actual decks I’ve built. 🤦‍♂️

By that logic, there are at least a dozen characters that are in every book. The 4 other horsemen (Pestilence, War, Famine, and Chaos,) A’Tuin and the 4 elephants, all the gods, the auditors, Time/Lobsang Ludd, etc

No, Ocarina was my first. But Wind Waker is my favorite.

I walk about 10km a day as a ranch hand. Not sure exactly how that math shakes out in steps

There is no wrong age to enjoy Pokemon! I’m 34. Obviously a bit younger than you, but still much older than any of the protagonists in the Pokemon anime 😂 I’ve been playing Pokemon since I was 8 years old, and Go since 2016. I think my inner child is happy to know that I’m still playing it now.

I also got my mom into it a few years ago. She says it’s good motivation to get out and walk, and it’s fun to send gifts back and forth. The communities for these games are wonderfully welcoming. I’m sure you’ll be in good company here, my friend.

The only ones I haven’t played are the CD-I games and Link’s Crossbow training.

Texas and Florida are the worst, no matter what state you’re in.

Tolkien could be pretty unserious sometimes. I think it was a joke. Like how an editor told him that his plural of “dwarf” was wrong. And he cited the fact that he’d edited the dictionary the editor was using to tell him that. I’m sure he knew exactly how it’s pronounced and why it’s pronounced that way and every single thing about its etymology, but still he decided to pronounce it some silly way just because he liked the sound of it better.

IQ tests are literally a scam. Your intelligence cannot be quantified by a number.

They were developed to study children with specific reading problems, with scores ranging from 0.0 to 2.0. The person who developed them specifically said that they should not be used to measure general intelligence, especially in adults.

Then, an American EUGENICIST repackaged the test, multiplied the scores by 100 to make them sound more impressive, an just swapped out the material with subject matter designed to give advantages to wealthy white men.