
Lol you can’t “copyright” a car. Different regulations would apply, if applicable.

Movies often don't require car licenses **because of their lower budgets.**

Absurdly ridiculously wrong statement.

game design philosophy but with the storytelling

A fundamental part of the game design philosophy is the deliberate avoidance of storytelling. This is obvious. It’s obvious from the games, from the abrupt credits after beating final bosses, from Miyazaki’s own statements. Miyazaki doesn’t believe in dictating story to players. This is a good thing in these games. Its mechanics, level design, and atmosphere.

It’s classic tabletop RPG where the “story” is the things that happen in your personal sequence of events/foibles going through the game. It’s also the game style going back to NES, it’s an important part of Mario and Castlevania that you don’t have logical explained reasons for fighting the opponents. Just like you don’t have a “story” when you go on a thing at a playground or eat a great meal by a chef. A “story” would compete with that and lessen it.

But it’s true that need other games to have the same craft put into the gameplay mechanics and feel.

The new games are just as much about regular enemies and the level design as the old games were.

Bosses are not the game. They’re just a big blatant obvious thing and therefore get talked about by people who fail to observe “smaller” things right in front of their face for 5 hours.

The soulsborne games are at their core, boss fights

Incredibly false unobservant statement.

They’re more about regular enemies and level design situations than bosses. (It’s quantifiable, though the quantity doesn’t actually matter.)

Gamers and human beings have a problem of not being able to see obvious things right in front of them, because they’ve been taught to fixate only on certain obvious words or obvious things that other people talk about (“bosses!”).

The quest flow is terrible, it’s incoherent random tedious nonsense. Every quest is a blackbox Rube Goldberg machine.

The lack of priority on writing from the devs and the game design is a good thing though. The game is about mechanics, gameplay, level design, atmosphere. Not words or explanation or story. (Despite what a lot of ignorant people will tell you on this.)

Historian thing is a lie.

You need to treat it like a person who wants to play and appreciate a videogame. Not like a person who only appreciates “story” and words told to you. Though I see a large part of this sub is incapable of this, despite liking the game people still don’t observe or understand what it is.

The devs, and these games, don’t care about lore or story. And this is a good thing in this case.

I've been NPC-invaded twice and I can't find any lore explanation as to why

There’s really a virus out there of people needing a so-called “LoRe ExPlAnAtIoN” of everything that happens. Seemingly because a lot of people are too ignorant to consciously understand anything about what a game is or what the game does, so they keep repeating words/phrases that other people told them. Lore = words in language = therefore everyone “understands” it even if they’re incapable of observing game design even when it’s right in their face.

Well immersion has nothing to do with quantity of technology or size of staff.

If you can’t make exactly what you said, but in 2D with small team, that’s a fault.

come to life

A book comes to life and it’s only ink on paper. High-tech AAA aren’t inherently better than anything else (often they are worse in important ways). The artistic ignorance in gamer land is staggering.

That’s not a circlejerk is that one stranger running into the room and doing that while everyone is saying wtf

OP says it’s perfect template then first paragraph is about a completely different game.


visual care

Why are you only mentioning Miyazaki when that’s obviously the artists and art team? There’s serious ignorance in gamer land about the human beings behind supposedly-beloved games.

the amount of


I still can’t believe

None of that is relevant to how it’s good or why it’s good.

If a chef makes a delicious meal we don’t focus on how technically difficult conditions in the kitchen were when we discuss the qualities and artistry.

Abandon it. Life is short.

I feel like I have played it before

That in itself is irrelevant since a good game will be good to play regardless of whether you “played it before.” Just like a good song, good movie, good book, good painting.

Maybe I'm tired of the combat system since it's the same across Arkham, Middle Earth, and Mad Max, as well as similar to Assassin's Creed

Again, many games have jumping but that doesn’t mean you get tired of jumping in a good game just because you jumped a lot in a bad game. Shooting, punching, etc, is the same.

Also Batman AA had the punch oomph impact feel and the mythos of Batman, so I don’t think the shallow comparisons you mentioned are even comparisons. They’re only superficially similar format. It’s like saying a great FPS has the same format as a bad FPS therefore you’re sick of the good one. That’s not how good games (or good anything) work.

“Pizza is similar at most pizza places, maybe I’m sick of it.” First of all it’s not the same…. Second of all even if it was the same delicious is still delicious.

Thanks, I forgot about VirusTotal or was avoiding it for some reason that I can’t even remember. I’ll do all 3 from now on and then go with probability.

To me a big problem is that is very comprehensive and respectable in output, therefore it’s hard to just wave away warnings as false positives.

We originated the Cg shaders, actually

Wow I had no idea, but it adds up since one of the best things about RA is the shader system and support. I wish every emu app had project capacity for implementing similar.

Yep. I hate when my FaceID unlocks when I didn’t want it to unlock.

I also like to TouchID unlock from weird angles etc.

Also touchID seems better for finger approve NFC swipe, rather than face scan? But I admit I’ve never done this on my FaceID phone.

SOURCE: TouchID and FaceID phones, personal and for work.

Also the whole “swipe up from bottom edge” sucks. It’s now confounded with other actions too. I hate it.

Yeah it makes you wonder about peoples hand cleanliness now.

I’ve never had an issue ever, except when literally in the shower , in other words needing to TouchID approve something while literally soaking wet at that exact moment.

Also, how often were you washing your hands and wiping your Touch ID just to get it to work? Or trying to dry them after shower/bathroom, or just walking around in the sun and sweating

Literally never. Not once.

But it’s a pain to fingerprint ID when I’m in the shower and someone brings me iPad for me to reach out and approve a food order payment. Wipe wipe wipe, nope, wipe wipe, nope…

He’s the only legit product-person in c-suite now. The leaked emails showed he was the only one talking about quality for users/customers (and with strategy based on that), while every other c-suite person was outrageously fixated on lock-in schemes. It was bad.

But I think even he was spreading FUD smokescreens about the move to universal cables (USB-C), though.


Yeah I’m an idiot for waiting many years before moving to Steam instead of Xbox.

Steam =

  • better sales
  • more games (including great ones that aren’t on Xbox)
  • can move my laptop around house near different windows and lounge chairs _^
  • Also I like using a service created by people who made Half-Life 1 lol. It really feels like a special kind of service with different priorities than most large companies, the features, the interface, and so on.

Steam = can play on a gamer laptop which is easier to move around house to play on different spots and sit near a nice window. (Forza Horizon itself is all about scenery.) Much than moving Xbox + screen + cables, which is anchored to couch or whatever.

Plus moving to Steam in general is better: has many games that Xbox doesn’t have, and has better more frequent sales.

If anyone is going to say “but, Microsoft exclusives!” Well those all suck in my opinion except for Forza Horizon.

until the game returned to the title screen.

Someone accidentally or purposefully clicked Restart. Possibly because you have an easy-to-reach button bound to Restart.

I see no other explanation for why specific in-game behavior would happen (returning to title screen).

You also might have a broken, hacked, prank version of the ROM.

Are alternative app stores forced-into-permission on iOS by EU laws going to allow it? I hope so...


Hey wait is this whole "Try chd, that will fix it" meme related to case-sensitive OS's?

Cue's that refer to a lowercase .bin file when the actual bin file is .BIN (capital), or vice versa, won't work on a case-sensitive OS, like recently available RetroArch on Apple TV, even if the same files were used without issue on a computer. This is the only explanation for why chd would magically work for people while cue/bin doesn't work, after cue/bin being perfectly fine and reliable for decades.

You violated rule #2 and didn't give important information like what system you're working, what exactly is happening when it "doesn't work", etc.