The unlikely circumstances required to have the affair partner communicate her desire for children to the dying mother who then obliquely sows the seeds of revenge with her daughter was a dead give away as was the “I’m just going to switch to first person”.

From what I understand it’s not that it’s not possible it’s that it’s so expensive you’re better off with a new build.

No drain stack = no kitchen/bathroom. Office to residential conversions are just not reasonably possible in most cases.

One martial with elixir of bloodlust rolls through low HP minions to reduce the oppositions potential damage output per turn while everyone else focuses on the spell-casters then missile then melee opponents.

That guy was really hungry for an ass kicking!

They scratch different itches! Love both sides of the DM screen!!!

One of the Waterfront parks, lots of Muskoka chairs in them perfect for reading. Music Garden and HTO Beach are my favourites.

Like for real! Tell the store or get lost! People like this who drag out the details are manipulative attention seeking narcissists. I bet I know why no one cares if she doesn’t attend family gatherings.

I used to be a 285 lbs heavy drinker. All though I could occasionally be a prolific farter my underwear remained unstained. Your boyfriend is unhygienic or sick or both.

Jealous much OOP? I imagine you’ve been looking for a pretence to further ostracize your sister for a while. Weaponizing and then hiding behind children is particularly cowardly of you.

Just say you’re scared when you’re in the city and move on lady.

It’s literally one of the greenest big cities in the world LOL

Early warm weather and tons of rain have led to explosive growth but the cities already inadequate maintenance regime can’t adapt.

I’m not white washing anything I’m pointing out the girlfriend’s complicity in her loser friend’s half assed job application.

He didn’t lie, your girlfriend didn’t tell her friend about your ambivalence toward him and probably did characterize it to him as you recommending him for the job.

They all look bizarre but the young ones look absolutely terrible.

It will happen during a heatwave and it will kill hundreds of people, but since it’s usually the elderly that suffer the most in extreme heat events the political class will shrug it off just like they did the Covid death toll.

Usually I see a forehead tattoo and I think, “this person will be really wise” and yet here we are🤷‍♂️