Light reaper daggers/swords.

Properly invested they hit for essentially 1.5 to double their weapon class at max

It’s all 2 girls 1 cup.

They all feel very differently about it

Looks at the insurrection from January 6th

Looks at trumps claims to not accept the results of elections he doesn’t win


Like Jesus it’s spelled out for you in that document that the masters that have their hand shoved so far up trumps ass that he’s being used as a sock puppet clearly plan to keep using him for that goal to get closer to absolute rule using him as their mouth piece.

… it’s rule 34 the rule is absolute

I mean she was very clear about who she is… you listened to her the first time and will be better off for it.


I mean bosses are bosses, both the bear and gluttony are really easy by the time you fight them

He’s a very solid feeling midpoint whammy

If I have to stare at an ass running for the next 20+ hours, I might as well like how it looks. I almost exclusively make characters the opposite gender

This is sounding an AWFUL LOT like the shadow government they talk about and hate so much

I mean she basically does in phase 2 but the lack of rot is disappointing as that’s a major visual distinction for her

The smith script weapons damage nerf was really uncalled for and leaves them in a horrible state.

Infused with magic sacred or flame art their damage is middle to low for their weapon class and infused with anything else, really extremely low for their weapon class. This on top of the weapons having essentially 0 stance damage and absolute ass range on their throw heavies… just really really bad.

A few could have had a slight scaling adjustment and been in line properly.

I’d argue it’d be better but C’est la vie. The terrible weightings and needing to ID everything makes looting a chore not worth doing. I could see it for uniques maybe since some are random enough where the variance is fun but I just don’t see any value in having to waste time IDing each item when reading the item is literally just that.

Gru needs to actually be learning things and there needs to be stakes. It’s just kinda dull watching what is essentially an extended sitcom where no one grows or changes.. the minions thing in this one could have been it’s own movie but there was maybe a scene but was the entirety of their marketing…

Gru needs to learn and grow, the first he learned how to care and become a father, the second he allowed himself to date again… the third he learned literally nothing and same with the 4th.

I’m using lizard greatsword and great katana and hav t had an issue on a full int build

It’s sov it has it if you use it on a weapon with hyper armor like a greatsword

It’s in spite of scrolls instead of because of scrolls.

A small indie company that cares about their game managed to do it. That unfortunately hasn’t been blizzard for at least 10 years.

More or less every patch since launch save 1 or 2 have been all bug fixes

So instead of backing anything up in your argument you are just continuing to be a snob useful to no one.

I’ve not seen any explanation just someone being snobby and it’s a thing of the past in many games. It’s a relic of D2 90s game design that just needs to die. It doesn’t improve the experience, it just wastes everyone’s time

Yeah… ngl wisdoms should just go away already.

Dudes an idiot, this particular one is unfortunately just a stinker of a weapon

I doubt they would keep up the work of maintaining 2 separate states to the game like that with SSF and trade playing essentially different games.

Bots generate billions upon billions of gold to sell to RMT websites, this in turn is almost always put directly back into the economy buying items but the constant influx of tons and tons of just the 1 trade currency means it becomes extremely devalued in the larger market it’s why D2 eventually moved to stones of Jordan as their currency for trade instead of gold because gold became absolutely worthless