My family vacation pictures were exclusively taken on disposables (because it was okay to lose those cameras.) I'm always struck by how good the pictures were when they had the right lighting conditions and composition. 

It's a mental thing. Like generic ingredients while they may not have as much quality immediately out of the box, you can still make great results with technique. 

also, Post Production. 

Did his prior reputation as a class clown cause people to doubt that it was an accident?

I would remind Tractor Supply that they caved to the people who made it necessary to keep animal medicine under lock and key. 

For me, it's the repeating pattern of filling a niche. I'll buy more cameras as I explore different photography types. But the Pragmatist is fighting the Magpie. No matter how many times I think "this is great, just stay focused on shooting with it." Here comes Johnny "Ooh that's pretty!" And Mary "Well it's unique!" On top of thinking well what I really need to do is optimize this by getting the right accessory gear. Instead of shooting like I started in photography, by cleverly solving problems. 

Minolta Hi-Matic 7s2  

Mamiya Rb67 pro s 

Minolta Dynax 7000

Those three by all intents should be fine and dandy for what I want to do. But still I am constantly scouring the used camera spots for more. 

They're the main one, specifically created to astroturf culture war narratives that undermine public education. 

Cofounded by Steve Bannon

Hard disagree on the premise that chickens are docile. Oh no they aren't.

Once they got powers, the pecking order reset as did what they're able to prey on.

I stopped watching at like season 4 or so, so the storm trooper gear is Wild af. 

Like who the hell has the time and resources to fabricate matching armored outfits??? And if you have bite proof armor, wouldn't you use pole arms and close combat weapons to save bullets? 

Dumb dumb dumb. Let the series die already. 

Oh yeah. The movie is part of director Lars Von Trier's "Depression trilogy." Another in that is Nymphomanic, which is explicitly about the protagonist engaging in increasingly disturbing sex acts. 

He's used unstimulated sex acts in several of his movies and it's really effective but not in the way you're hoping. 

Mouse's powers imo are kind of like a manifestation of trying to hold everything together, keep them both from sinking into despair. 

Remember, he talks to Frenchie about how when Kimiko went mute, they came up with their own signed language to communicate, and that was part of how they survived. 

So his hands are the source of his powers, which was emphasized when he used one finger to escape on the boat, and again when StormFront snapped his wrists and gloated that she'd taken his magic away. 

Imo it's got to be an allusion to her being born into this political dynasty and knowing more/being more involved with what's happening than she initially appeared to. 

Serpent Tongued or Forked Tongue. 

Both acting deceitfully and lashing out viciously/maliciously.  

When she and Ryan meet and go to look for ice cream, she seems like the sweetest most innocent kid. Like you think "nice, a positive influence, maybe the kids will be alright." But then the second she realizes her mom might be in danger she doesn't hesitate to try and kill everyone in the hotel room, and does so with competency, like she's been training. 

Nueman is training her daughter just like Edgar trained her. To play the game with cloak and dagger. 

The far right turned on her for occasionally passing bipartisan bills to keep the country running. So she's turning towards them to try to save her seat. I really really hope it backfires. 

That's the thing about conspiracy theories, they see a lack of proof as Proof of the conspiracy. 

Looney tunes shit. 

Because we're so "polite" that we go out of our way to never speak to a stranger if we can get away with it. 

I do the two light knocks, listen for a half second, then lightly try the handle. If it's locked I say "ope, I'll come back later" and then I walk away from the door and pretend I'm not waiting for the bathroom, so me and whomever was in there can pretend that Iowans never poop in a store restroom.   

Certainly seems like it.

 At minimum it's incredibly inappropriate and concerning. Students are not friends and they certainly are not therapists. Those roles are for other adults, not minors. This is also similar to how one of my childhood friends was groomed. She wasn't a TA for one, but an assistant coach on one of her teams started with innocent text messages, spending time together outside of the sport, and confiding personal information with each other before escalating to being in a sexual "relationship." 

NTA Resting scowl face man here, I have been told I ought to smile more. In that creepy unsolicited semi flirty body policing way. But it was only ever by women who were in positions of authority over me. Teachers in school, & older bosses, managers, and supervisors at work when I was in my teens to mid twenties. 

That's just to underline that It's a power dynamic thing and sexual. When someone says this to someone, consciously or not they are saying "your value to me is an object of desire and you'd be more attractive to me if you did this." 

Creepy shit. Would report him, even though nothing is likely to come of it, it starts a paper trail. 

Pull your booty cheeks apart

That's not fair, the door Could Have been locked.  It wasn't, but it Could Have been!   /s

I was the friend who called the phone.  Salutes  Iirc the Nokia brick had different settings for the intensity of ringtones. 

There's a Frontline documentary about this called 'Rape in The Fields'. 

Undocumented workers are subjected to sexual abuse by bosses under threat of being reported to immigration or simply not having their contracts renewed. 

I forget which but an Egg factory in Iowa is one of the places featured in that documentary. 

I would contact relevant humanitarian groups,  museums, Vietnam Veteran organizations, the Press Corps, and try to find out if anyone can identify who the photographer was and contextualize them. 

I would absolutely not sell, publish, or exhibit found photography of gore and death. And would strongly urge that others not do so without first taking extreme care to properly and safely do so. 

The Vietnam war and the horrors of it, is still in living memory. Both in veterans and refugees that immigrated to the US. Improper handling could severely impact those who were there. That is not to say to do nothing with them and potentially let war crimes be swept under the rug. But to approach it so that more harm isn't done. 

Agreed.  There's no perfect way to have casual sex, everything has it's perks and negatives. For some people the anonymity is protection from emotional complications that often happen with sexual friendships. It can also be part of the fantasy. The less you know about a person, the more your imagination can sculpt them into your ideal desire. However today can come back to bite you if you have self esteem issues, then you may imagine the stranger thinking less of you and feel dehumanized. It's also very risky health wise. Condoms only protect from so much and only when used and used properly. 

That was very much my experience, feeling objectified and only desired right up until the other person has an orgasm. And having some health scares following a random hookups "stealthing." 

An ongoing sexual relationship with someone who you can appreciate and bond with outside of sex can be more fulfilling. But it will always have an unknown expiration date. Your best outcome is a mutual transition to a relationship or platonic friendship. But rarely does either happen at the same time for both persons. One person will start to feel unfulfilled by the current situation while the other is still invested. That causes hurt that can compromise the friendship. It's an emotionally risky thing to get involved with. 

I would recommend everyone do some self reflection and work out what casual sex is providing you beyond sexual gratification. And work on those things outside of sex as well. So that, should you run into problems, it is not as painful. 

Clover Greenbush is commenting on post in r/Iowa subreddit.