I hate it when people say we are born without our consent. No one has any proof of this whatsoever. Its just a bullshit theory made up by people who want to feel like they know whats going on.. when they dont. I think every person on this earth wanted to come here, as is reported by so many who have experienced NDEs. We have more evidence for us being here with consent than we have for the opposite.

I really dont think its advisable to entertain the idea that the Bible matters or has any relevance to modern life in any way. Its a losing game and it doesn’t matter if lifestyles and wars have been fought over it. The bible was written by long dead men and you arent going to win arguments by mentioning anecdotes from it- no matter what they are. If you DO want to make an intelligent pro-feminist argument for the bible, you’re going to need to do much better than that.

Thank you for showing the correct spelling 😂

Its taken me months to get to the point of accepting that it wasnt my fault, I blamed myself for quite a while. But this was like the 5th time he has dumped me over like. 15 year period so it should be obvious that he is a mess. Its just crazy how blind love can make you. I wish I wasn’t so compatible with Aquarius bc they never seem to treat me that well but I always fall for them

Why are you allowing a man to dictate what you wear? Are you being hypnotized nightly by a force that has disabled your frontal cortex?

This is cringe. Stop enabling misogynistic cultural norms and take your power back. The more you enable this behavior, the more it hurts women as a whole

Your other post about your partner is disturbing as well. Look, you are barely an adult and your brain isnt formed yet. But you are viewed as an adult by society. You have to make the choice to save yourself. You have to make the choice to be in normal, healthy relationships and ***stay single until you can find one***

Its hard, but one day you will be so glad that you chose to stay single and allow yourself to mature into an independent being before immersing yourself in toxic, codependent relationships that will do nothing but derail your life and your future. You have the strength to be alone. You are the captain of your own ship and you must put yourself first.

Interesting… I definitely do love Aquarius men but never masculine men. I avoid men who are big into masculinity at all costs as they appear threatening to me as they are often rightwing/redpilled because conservative ideology enforces gender conformity. Because rightwing ideology is so misogynistic and dangerous for women, I look for any signs of conservative ideology as a massive red flag and a threat to my safety. Also I like androgynous men, I dont like them particularly feminine but they certainly dont need to be masculine to make me happy. I dont feel safe with men who are big into masculinity at all. Also, those big into gender conformity always seem a bit intellectually deficient.

But evolved Aquarius men are definitely a favorite for me, and we seem to attract each other. I love their ability to be themselves, and their stubbornness. Their assertiveness is definitely a plus and they are always so intellectually stimulating; we can talk for hours and hours. Aquarius men are so incredibly frustrating to me… they’ve caused me a lot of pain but theres no one more attractive or interesting than them

This is exactly how I felt when I had depression. Now I microdose psilocybin and am endlessly fascinated with the beauty, history, and riverways of Missouri. When they say that only boring people are bored, they are telling the truth. The politics are a disgrace though obviously.

Its definitely a complicated situation and there may not have been a better solution, but your wording exposes a true lack of empathy. Deliveries are never comfortable. No one who recognizes the trauma of this event would choose that wording of “a more comfortable delivery.”Thats why you’re getting dv’d - its hard to successfully pretend to have empathy. You have to work toward actually feeling it.

Yes, yes… we’ve all heard that very tired excuse for being a shitty person who makes the world worse for everyone else

All I can say is that you and your trumper overlords damn well better hope there is no afterlife. You wont be proud of how you lived your life at all. You will regret everything. You all are the epitome of complete moral failure.

Your post history makes it clear that you dont have the capacity to care about other human beings so obviously you wouldnt get it

A more “comfortable delivery?” She was sliced open with no anesthesia. What the actual fuck is wrong with you?

Im not saying she should necessarily sue anyone but the way you worded your comment is disgusting. There is no comfortable delivery in this situation and your need to minimize and dismiss her pain says so very much

“They may stay just to make you feel like the problem, so they can avoid accountability”

Wow… is that why my aqua ex started flaking out, standing me up and just being a shitty partner all around while framing me as a bad person for being upset about it? He blew off a whole road trip the day it was supposed to happen, a trip that was important to me- just one example. It was like he couldnt just dump me, he had to somehow make it my fault

Men don’t have the power to bring anyone into this world. Only women can create life, and that’s probably why you’re such a bitter loser. Stay mad, bitch.

Obviously you’re muted so keep screaming into the void if you must, but no one gives a shit about your jealous ramblings. We all know men like you are just the most pitiful creatures on earth

I’m very sorry you’re going through this. It’s like they say, hurt people hurt people

No one wants you here. BTW, women are held to higher ethical standards, are more productive, make better leaders, better doctors and are more involved in their children’s lives, less likely to abandon children while more likely to suffer social punishment for being the single parent that actually takes responsibility. Husbands create 7 extra hours of work for their wives, single women live longer than married women because they arent forced to mother an overgrown child. You’re fucking delusional.

Pluto is brutal. I think the American people might finally revolt after decades of misgoverning. But its gotta get a lot worse for that to happen so I cant say I really hope for that. But it would be very pluto-in-aquarius

Aquarius is a mental sign but Aries rules the mind, not Aquarius. It can be an evil genius when in a lower form but is usually associated with progressive ideologies, equality and a community mindset vs selfish motivations. Pluto could bring power to the people, as Pluto is about power and Aquarius is about the people, the community, the underdog. Technology will certainly benefit, and hopefully benefit everyone. But I agree that it will likely bring many tough lessons and they may be challenges around where the power goes. A revolution is likely to occur.

They are indeed better than many humans