I can't decipher what was said.. Like at all.

Ya just adding context so if people read yours they can understand it's mostly not a requirement to worry about any more. Cheers bud

That's mostly just a thing with old cars requiring you to build oil pressure. Modern cars it's pretty instantaneous.

It's a good thing you have scoliosis, we might not have seen your boobs with out that lean

"that guy didn't give me enough of a tip, I'm going to make him suffer so my employer loses a patron. That'll show him and put me in the right!"

No, the brain of some delivery drivers is made of grass.

๐Ÿ˜‚ You have no context of that conversation homie. Person wanted to turn their dad in BEFORE making any attempt at helping them with their addiction. That chode was acting like the dad stole so he deserved anything he got instead of actually having sympathy for their own family member.

Edit: also, damn you lurked far down my history. You got some free time

Yeah you didn't explain it well in your initial. If you'd have said that I don't think anyone would be against you. You made it sound like you bought it off an auction website then did the switcharoo with Amazon.

You got them both from Amazon? You said you got the first one in an auction which would imply not Amazon?

Where tf did I get Amazon from.. I might have misread it

You bought something from a company then returned it to a different company and you think you've not stolen? How do you even reconcile that?

Defending stealing because the victim is rich. You sound like a quality person ๐Ÿ‘

The word unskilled short circuits brains. Can't understand it's not being used as an insult.

People take offense to the term unskilled like it's an insult. It's literally just the word for not requiring schooling to learn the job. It has nothing to do with how demanding the job is or it's worth to society.

I want to stand up and clap for that intellectual powerhouse but he stopped replying to you.

Washington pays 16 something to servers plus tips. A single table with a $5 tip puts them above the starting wage at Boeing per hour. My sympathy has run out.

Usually I'd say fuck you but I honestly spent like 45 seconds trying out so many variations until my phone stopped telling me I was stupid. (must have got tired of trying to help my dumb ass) it was definitely the y I was throwing in there keeping the auto correct from being useful ๐Ÿ˜‚

I'd do my worst but I'm afraid you'd do to me what that black hole is doing to those underwear.

Those are the little underwear that could.