I wasnt on an island. I was in some random bookstpre where the toilet was in the sub sub basement lol.

I assume it had something to do with the plumbing

From what i hear, sellers cancel it because the bid wasnt highenough. They are hoping to get more than what they list it for or something

Ive seen a sign that said no flushing anything

There was another sign that said "including toilet paper"

Im glad i had to piss

Born in 97. We had to do speed tying tests in elementary school. Like 2-4th grade.

If i remember right, the thief was one of the higherups kid. Pretty sure the op got fired and possibly sued

I feel like my local bestbuy is an outlier.

I can go on amazon and look up an item and it would be roughly the same price (maybe higher at BB by $1-$4)

I have a feeling its where you live.

As a kid, i sold all my pokemon games to buy more pokemon games. They werent hugely popular then so i got like $30 for them.

If i saved them i might have had about $1k in old game carts

In highschool we had a soft ban of nuts.

In highschool we had a sback store

In said snack store we had nuts

No one complained because the kids who were allergic didnt eat them

No one complained because the nuts were on a seperate wall from everything else.

Seems like most cheaters dont understand that it was 20 (in this case) years ago for them but it is "right now" for the person they cheated on.

I personally have 0 tolerance for cheaters. Ive been cheated on before and that shit hurts

My parents told me bitcoin was just a scam when it was $3 and wouldnt let me invest.

Guess who would have had 0 college debt and a better life if i put the $30 i had as a kid into bc...

The only time i dont check a gun is when i watch the person who handed me the gun check it first.

I dont take their word for it. I want to see them physically check it.

If i dont see them chrck it, i check it myself

From what i hear, any length of root is a seed. Good luck

I dont know him anymore as i switched schools back in 4thgrade but when i used to work at a subway, he came in with his gf, saw me, immediately stopped laughing, apologized for his past behaviour, and ordered a sandwhich.

My coworkers asked what that was about and i just saod he used to bully me as a kid in elementary school.

I recently (couple years ago)found out his sisters probably sexually abused him as a kid. I am 26

Not yet. Ghost of tsushima was almost the one though.

Waited and now i have it on PC and it runs almostflawlessly

This was told to me in middle school, right around the time the ipod touch came out. Maybe it was the iphone. I cant remember too well.

They also said that in highschool. One kid said "bet" and pulled out his phone and went to his calculator.

Surprisingly never heard it since

I have in highschool for a band school trip.

It was amazing. I was kinda surprised to see sparks when swords collided. Idk why just never thought about it.

Other than that, its something to experience. You can buy knives and swords there too. There was a replica energy blade from halo there for like $100

Get back here an love me.

Most people in america call them cats

I mean i did some live streams of the game awhile ago. They might be up on my channel (amongst all the other vids)

I had to stop when my knee started hurting and ill pick it back up once its not hurting anymore (had knee surgery once and having another soonish)

Lmk if you want a link to my yt channel.