:AncientAesSedai: (Ancient Aes Sedai)

I believe this is actual, physical damage based on Rand’s physical vision symptoms and Nyneave’s comments. The saa do not literally affect vision AFAIK.

I love reading physical books - problem for me is literal shelf space! I reserve that space for “pretty” books and anything I’d usually do MMPB for I buy as an ebook.

I didn’t like it. The writing style and dialogue style wasn’t for me.

That’s what I think

The series is a very different turning of the wheel. Not bad (I like the show), just different. I would read at least the first 3 books before you watch the show to avoid spoilers, but should be good after that!

The ACOTAR trilogy is fantastic.

ACOFAS is like a holiday special.

ACOSF is just ok. It’s cool from a world expansion beyond the main characters shifting to side characters, but has a lot of problems.

:AncientAesSedai: (Ancient Aes Sedai)
  1. Years.

(Started the series in 2000, AMOL came out in 2013 😉)

On re-read, it takes me about 3-4 weeks if I am reading fast, 4-6 weeks if I am taking my time or taking breaks / reading other stuff.

I don’t specifically go by the number a reviewer gives, but I’ll read some of the reviews to get a general idea of what people think.

I will say OP, Anthony Ryan’s books are FANTASTIC. I really like his writing style and storytelling across all his series’s.

I held off reading Blood Song too bc people complain so much about how he didn’t stick the ending of the trilogy.

I finally read it and it. is. awesome! Probably one of my top 10 favorite fantasy books. The rest of the Raven’s Shadow trilogy is also very good, the books just sort of drift away from following Vaelin as much to following the rest of the characters. It is good bc it expands the world, but bad bc Vaelin is so awesome.

The follow up duology Raven’s Blade shifts the focus more directly to Vaelin and is all the better for it.

Now that we have those two groupings of books (Raven’s Shadow trilogy and Raven’s Blade duology) it is very clear of the intention behind each story and how they close one part before moving to the next. That I think makes more sense when you read them lol, but it feels like there is plenty of more room for story after each series and I can’t wait for what comes next in this world!!

ETA: one thing I do is if I am unsure about a book, I get it from the library - it makes me less annoyed if I don’t like it if I didn’t have to pay for it lol. I’ve since tried out a bunch of books I unexpectedly loved that I may have otherwise skipped, and had books I hated that I thought would be just right for me and was glad I didn’t spend money on them!

:AncientAesSedai: (Ancient Aes Sedai)

I’m about ready for a re-read! Trying to decide if I’ll do it before or after Stormlight….

This internet stranger wants to tell you that you are amazing. Your son is so lucky to have you as his mom.

If you like urban fantasy you will love Patricia Briggs’ Mercedes Thompson world. Same with Ilona Andrews and her Kate Daniels and Hidden Legacies books (I haven’t read Inkeeper yet)

We have a firm no sharing food rule with kids - there are too many unknowns and food allergies to be safe.

You’ve tried having your child speak up. You’ve talked to the parents.

It’s time to involve the school and have them stop this behavior. They need to help the other child with their behavior - totally normal at this age, but needs to be addressed and corrected before things escalate and worsen.