I think of relaxing my groin muscles, if that makes sense. Like how you can flex them to make the boner harder, just do the opposite.

Army Veteran :rsz_105front_1k_17:

I've only ever done third party, mainly VES, but I've heard if the C&P is through Tricare, it's available on the blue button. If that's true, then all C&Ps should be available to all veterans, not only Tricare C&P.

This is what $676m and 12 years of development gets you. Totally worth it.

Army Veteran :rsz_105front_1k_17:

From what I can gather by the stage name, I'm curious to why this step takes so damn long?

Army Veteran :rsz_105front_1k_17:

I think you missed a few periods

Fairly certain we could have figured that out in a more humane way. That knowledge wasn't worth the cost.

It's a heavy subject for those who aren't prepared to receive it. I got sucked down a morbid rabbit hole of reading about it one day, and honestly, it's was the worst information I've ever consumed, ever. I mean, I've read about cartels, holocaust, extreme accidents like byford dolphin, etc, and nothing compares to the absolute disregard for humanity like unit 731. Mengele and his likes were fucking bad, but I'm convinced 731 was worse.

I learned about the horrific actions of Germany in WW2 way earlier in life than when I learned about what Japan did. I learned about the holocaust in in early grade school. I didn't learn about unit 731 until I was in my late 20s to early 30s. They really don't talk as much about what Japan did as much.

Army Veteran :rsz_105front_1k_17:

Program Manager, 90%, with some additional claims in. I'm looking at trying to go remote in the next 2 years, but even if I did get 100%, I don't think I'd stop working. I have expensive hobbies and I like to travel so extra cash is a priority.

I remember the Bernstein Bears so I was double wrong.

This is accurate for the most part, but I do find that there are certain situations where a political/social label is added to a character or storyline just for the sake of adding it. If it's an important part of the characters' story arc, go nuts with it, but leave the superfluous details out if they're not going to come up again and don't move the story along.

The arc for Bill and Frank in Last of Us was an amazing story and emotionally impacting and true (to a degree) to the source material. To this day, I can not understand why Lando Calrissian in Star Wars was made pansexual.

Army Veteran :rsz_105front_1k_17:

Taking advantage of not having to shell out tens of thousands of dollars at once isn't really an indication of lack of fiscal responsibility.


Mine is 3,200 sqft, but I live in a rural low COL area. I've tons of houses my size all over the US in suburban areas.

Army Veteran :rsz_105front_1k_17:

I've had an overall good experience with the VA. I'm not sure what issues this letter is addressing or if they even apply to me, so I'd prefer if you'd check with me before you write a letter on my behalf.

I have a crisp Lincoln that says this is written by someone who just got denied a claim for an undocumented and fictitious condition.

My mom used to tell me that it would happen to me too if I sat too close

It's not meant to be extremely accurate, but I'd take several results that say in the 200-250b range as more true than 1 article that says 700b.

I don't. Make it something that can be enabled or disabled between games, and that should make everyone happy. Well, maybe not the people who want to force their play preferences on others, but they don't deserve to be happy.

You make a post complaining about how a change ruined the game and then insinuate others can't handle the game anymore? Pick one.

Great story and the voice acting made the characters so much more accessible

Army Veteran :rsz_105front_1k_17:

That's a fair point. I think there should certainly be precautions to avoid stuff like that, but it feels kind of weird to me to have a medical assessment being kept from me.