DC does swimsuit variant covers every summer, might help narrow it down for you

I pray the lord brings grammar lessons to whomever wrote that letter, amen!

Vile people like that don't feel embarrassment. They just want the attention and you're fueling it.

These are not smart people, they'll just continue piling on the stupid to justify their "opinions". It's best to let silence kill them off...

None of those morons are gonna see their comments on a facepalm sub and feel ashamed, disgusting people like that would feel empowered knowing their ignorance is being spread around the internet on their behalf. Intentional or not you're just giving them free press and attention which is all they want to begin with...

Sounds like a fairly normal reaction for a dog to have when accidentally stepped on, especially if it's someone your dog doesn't know well or isn't around all that often.

I had a similar situation with mine when he was 5 or 6, my brother (who my dog had just met for the first time a few days before) came up behind him and patted his butt, accidentally scared him and my dog turned around and snipped his finger.

Just be sure to address the behavior so your dog knows not to overreact like that again and it should be fine.

So your fire trucks blend in with the snow?

Why bother spreading this vitriol, just let it die in the tiktok comments...

It's not that hard to become a billionaire guys, just take a small $3mil loan from your daddy then triple it off the backs of cheap migrant workers, duh! /s

Swamp Thing :ST1::ST2:

There were 52 universes. Then they discovered the dark multiverse which doubled it to 104.

After Dark Crisis it's back to infinite universes.

See I didn't take it as him being smug because he knew something, seemed to me more like typical dom humiliating their sub behavior.

Even so, the whole thing started with the deception that Hughie was Webweaver.

Tek didn't seem to know until Ashley had left, at which time he moved on to torturing and maiming Hughie at which time consent became a moot point.

I mean, yea technically. Sex by deception is considered SA.

His own deception put him in that situation.

Nobody asked for consent because Webweaver had already given it, Tek and Ashley went with the flow not knowing they were being deceived.

It was not SA.

Tek Knight, Ashley, & Webweaver had consensual sexual activities planned.

Had it not been Hughie in the mask it would have just been a consensual threesome.

Hughie put himself in that situation by lying about being Webweaver.

You're gonna get strangled talkin about the big red machine like that!

Size can vary by style, I wear two different sizes in Adidas and 2 different sizes in Vans depending on the style.

Funk Generation is such a good album!

I didn't notice until I rewatched during covid lock downs. I was shocked that I'd seen this movie so many times and never realized it was him!

It'd be a shame if an employee left an anonymous message for the health department to complain about the unclean work conditions...

You know you're dumb when a crackhead is laughing at you...

It was the best burn ever according to Matt Gaetz, the resident expert in all things juvenile.

Is that the best they can do, make fun of her laugh?

How many times had you seen it before you realized the mi scusi guy is Fred Armisen?

Took me 20 years!