You actually don't know what industry I'm in....

-Extra passive aggressive ellipses for good measure- .....................

If people talked about me online, I would read it.

Wow, you really don't know how to make a clear point?

I never said people are literally calling her Hitler. But they are acting like she did something so completely awful that she deserves to have her life burned down. Like she made a few petty comments, calm down.

Lol you are trying to police my criticisms literally right now. Your reply to my comment apparently has nothing to do with what I was actually talking about? So...

You can acknowledge that without saying that no one can share pictures of their kids in a bath... I imagine pedos can do pretty much anything with Photoshop, so shaming a mom for being proud of her kids and sharing pictures of them online seems like it's missing the mark for who we should be policing.

You don't get to say it makes people angry enough to be "done" with them when what we're talking about is people banding together to tank their businesses, cyber-bully them (call them psychopaths and bad mothers, say Scheana is making up her OCD diagnosis, fill their social media with vitriol, start an online petition to sic Lala's insane stalker ex on her, etc.), and go after anyone who sees any redeeming qualities in them and/or their basic humanity.

Being "done" sounds reasonable. It's interesting that the response to legit criticism of this bizarre Internet mob is always something like "well they did x, y, and z so we have a right to not like them." If they were just disliking Scheana and Lala, that would be reasonable. Responses like this willfully miss the point.

Being done with them is not what I'm commenting on...

That whole scene was FULL BODY CRINGE.

Very true and good point. People are different and have different standards of what they can tolerate in a friendship. I think a friend like Katie would be bad for me, but she might be really good for someone else.

This is a point I wish Katie herself could grasp. Her conflicts with people throughout the show have often been because she sees someone as a bad friend, so she thinks everyone else should see them that way, and she gets very angry when people refuse to bully the people she deems unworthy (usually due to her own insecurities, not something actually wrong with the other person imo).

Eta: An example from this season is when Lala had lunch with Jo. She was so upset, but Lala did nothing wrong. She wanted Lala to ostracize Jo (a common bullying tactic). Lala's private interactions with Jo are not really Katie's business.

I think Katie's "sharp edge" is immaturity, and her tendency to bully is vile. People seem to either celebrate her cruelty or defend it by saying 'could have been worse!' I don't understand it. It's disturbing to me to see people celebrating cruelty.

I have no idea why they brought him back. I just assumed he would be out. What a terrible decision on production's part.

There have been huge efforts by the Republican party to make sure this never happens as it would be their end.

Not only hate them but want to spend their time and energy banding together to burn their lives to the ground... That's the crazy part to me.

These are such great points and beautifully written. I think therapy would be really great for all of them. Although, I don't think Katie was actually suggesting it. It was said with venom as if therapy is something to be ashamed of. No matter what Katie says after the fact- what she said was cruel in that moment. I think it was something like, "you should fire your lawyer and hire a therapist, clown." I can't imagine ever saying something like that to anyone.

Lol, thanks for confirming, you never know.. someone else commented "I hope it's cancelled just to crush Scheana and Lala alone" which is the general sense I get from this sub. They really want to watch these women burn.

I did love Dayna. 'I don't wear a breast prison because I don't want to.' So well said.

Lol what is happening here isn't people just 'not wanting to watch'... The post directly above yours says 'burn them all' to the cast members this echo-chamber dislikes. That is definitely the vibe I get here. It does not seem... normal.

He kept making comments about how they'd get married in ten years and how perfect and easy it was hanging out with her. He had her meet his parents. He did all the boyfriend stuff with her. We saw this on camera. Honestly, we can dislike Jo without saying Schwartz didn't lead her on. He definitely did.