Do a lot to ya but roasting ain’t one..well maybe a spit roast

This is why you teach your kids not to be assholes and actually stand up for people

Just zip it and enjoy the fact that you’re outside on the course enjoying the it frustrating? Sure but just take a breath and chill

Meh..fake..I mean still would but, natural is better

She was definitely better looking before the plastics surgery

Would it surprise you if it was actually less than 10%?

Tbh my guy, this is Reddit so just stfu and move on

You’re the one that started talking smack. And to be honest my dude, you getting this worked up about what I said makes me think you definitely pour your paychecks to cam girls.

Oh sweet summer child. I’m gonna assume you’re young and dumb. Life is gonna get you good..and if all you got is “your hair is pretty” oh my goodness…you gonna have a hard time my bud..I bet you give money to OF girls

Man those Jews are relentless

Just remember boys, when you think you’re special, you’re not to her.

Most days same..every once and a while she says the whole I love you part

Really? Holy shit that is actually interesting. Lol Christ if I could have been doing that for the past 20 years

That’s what my wife says about me..”he so ugly!!…I love him”

Me walking into the group of 40 something single moms..

Bro, it’s ok to not be good at can admit this is you. You did a great job at drawing a ah a butterfly