It looks pretty but what a colossal waste of space that is.

1 BJ > 9 Yanks

Holy moly I just looked at the lineup and we putting Vladdy at 3rd again? What year is this?

1 BJ > 9 Yanks

How the flying fuck don't we have a challenge system for ball/strikes yet?

Did you read OPs post who said they wanted a trunk to fit a large fridge?

Do you know the roof is in fact, NOT inside the trunk????

1 BJ > 9 Yanks

Good hit by Davis, but props gotta go to Georgie too after that catch which likely saved the inning and then hit to tie the game!

And props to the bullpen, looked great

1 BJ > 9 Yanks

Have we considered the offense is doing this on purpose to allow more innings against the pirates so the poor bullpen ERA can get a bit better?

1 BJ > 9 Yanks

I may have just screamed " FUCK YEAH GEORGIE!!!" And scared the hell out of my dog who was sleeping on the couch

1 BJ > 9 Yanks

I'm certain that the bluejays are the sole reason I have high BP and it has absolutely nothing to do with both parents having a family history of it.

1 BJ > 9 Yanks

Even if we don't win this challenge you gotta do it. It's the 9th anyway

1 BJ > 9 Yanks

Would, as the pitcher.... rubbing yourself in mud to reduce how much he can see about arm movements be legal to do under the rules?

1 BJ > 9 Yanks

I was thinking that. Like that name you imagine a white dude, patchy beard, bowl haircut and driving a tractor.

You aren't fitting a large fridge through the rear hatch at all, I've worked on these pieces of shit and I have owned a large fridge and I guarantee you that the fridge ain't fitting through there.....

So really you are just dragging a fridge behind the vehicle and OP clearly stated for it to fit the trunk.

Ok, I'll meet you in the middle with that plan for a MEDIUM sized fridge, you still ain't getting a LARGE fridge to fit in between the roof rails.

Nope, don't need to compensate for anything by owning one.

And I can tell that you didn't pass physics 101 if you think you can balance a large fridge out the ass end of a fiat with a few straps.