Fuck that. Sue this asshole. I own Tesla stock and why should we be funding his stupid business deals.

Watch PartiesQuestion

Hello! New to this sub - but I’ve been watching this badass motha fucken team win this season. I’m looking to see if there are any bars in Minneapolis where I can go and watch the games with fans? Any tips welcome…I know, go support them at Target Center, just looking for options. Thanks y’all.

You’re minimizing how difficult it is to get elected and flip a republican controlled seat. The city needs a good administrator at this time and one that can bring people together. She has received the support of the majority of the sitting Council Members and a ton of endorsements from state Senators and Representatives. That speaks a lot. Tell me why the city can’t pass anything right now? The mayor fails to have a good relationship with sitting CMs. He only talks in talking points. Can’t have an argument and reach a compromise with these CMs.

How is it not? You still vote on big issues, you listen to continúente, and craft policy/legislation for the betterment of your district and state. She was also Assistant Majority Leader in the House.

Check out Kateformpls.org and check out all of the different plans they have for the City. Kate Knuth can beat Frey.

Also, that debate is spicy af! Kate Knuth demolishes Jacob. She literally made a defining moment in that debate.

You’re wrong. She doesn’t compare to him one bit. She actually has substance and has the leadership experience being a former state rep to back it up. She also holds a Masters from Oxford and a PhD from the UofM in conservation biology. Her campaign had a public safety plan since June - Frey hasn’t ever.

Kate Knuth all the way! It’s a clear choice. Also don’t rank Frey.

Holy F, what a misleading title. It’s a democratic process. How is that controversial? 20k ppl signed the darn thing