They are building one right meow- it’s where the USO is

Not incredible but really solid- few great songs- I also feel like the instrumentals serve to make it feel less formulaic than usual. His writing reminds me of like high school poetry class- but I also think it’s great 🤣 if it works it works. It can be a little repetitive though

Dude engineers love saying they are grunts🤣 as a FiSTer even these mf like to LARP too and pretend they are grunts- like just be proud of your job and cool shit you do. But you are not a grunt- in my last unit those mf were not integrated in the slightest in line companies.

Just find your own stop being gay- what I do is have calogne based on the season- test and buy some shit you like this season and build it up.

Swear to god I gained like 20 pounds in MCT from eating 3 a day.

Convicted war criminals get pardoned every day but this took how long? Wild.

I guess the height requirement is waived too? Fuck all the other guys that really wanted to do it and couldn’t I guess

So the minimum to try out is 10 reps of 225 and the females max bench is 205🤣🤣🤣🤣 can’t make it up boys

Remember- these kids came from high schools all over America- have you seen some of the shitty ass high schools we have here? Those kids will be there too- completely retarded-

I got out recently too! I started at a community college to get my GPA up… bro it’s a fucking joke. I’m the only peson who’s attentive, on time and engaging. That alone is 75% of achieving a good grade. You’re surrounded by fucking morons trust me. You’ll be fine- I freaked out too now I got a 4.0

Pedophiles are often indifferent to the gender of the victim- males tend to be easier to access and easier to keep quiet- I think it’s allot more complicated.

If your “not hardcore enough to be infantry” but “every marine is a riflemen” why are you here? I hope you get hazed.

… homie what did you think being a marine is? I’m confused? Your comments confuse me- why not join the Air Force or army

I don’t know from my personal experience people don’t skate six months before skill bridge

Real tuna brand not some military shit, over a nice half stale tortilla, with a heavy dusting of cheezit powder and a gentle spread of cheese. For dessert? Some Reese’s pieces. It’s elite.

No surprising from the same party that loves pardoning convicted war criminals- they love war criminals but try to privatize the VA and insult gold star families 🤣hilarious

I know so much scumbags that used it to get out- not a single one who ACTUALLY opposed it for moral or ethical reasons. Good riddance