Logged in for the first time in weeks to upvote this. Me, I've already moved on from Reddit, and I strongly suggest y'all do the same. I'm now on [squabbles](squabbles.io) and it's lovely. Great sense of community, rapidly expanding userbase, and the dev (the legendary #jayclees#, hallowed be his name) is adding new features all of the time. Oh, and a bunch of 3rd party apps have just gone into public beta.

I should add that I'm only on here now to: a) maybe convince some of my favorite content creators to switch, (but also it's ok if you don't, I'll probably see your work sooner or later!).and b) stick it to Reddit for being such bastards. Of all the ways you could have handled this, you picked the dumbest.

I have no affiliation to squabbles besides being a user. This isn't an ad, merely a recommendation

Good for you. If only we could ensure that every gun owner was trained to this standard.

Oh wait, we can! Gun license which requires passing a test, just like a driving license.

I love how Beckett's body language changes from the penultimate panel to the final panel. He goes from incensed with rage, to deflated and not wanting to accept what he just did.

Even better, in the first panel Beckett has just arrived so isn't too mad yet, and the panel is kind of from the King's perspective, so we get a white background to show the hollowness of the king's words.

Then, in the second panel Beckett loses his shit, so we get shaded a background. In the penultimate panel he's even more mad, so the shading deepens.

Then, in the final panel, we're back to an empty background, as the anger leaves Beckett feeling drained and hollow.

This is incredible work, u/CME_T. You portray such raw human emotion with just the slight bending of an arm, the tilt of a head, and changing the background shading. It's an absolute masterclass!

Don't know about OP, but personally I was pretty outraged at both the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. I did what I could to stop these actions; I protested, I voted for opponents of the invasions.

But this doesn't mean that I cannot also be outraged at Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the atrocities it has blatantly committed there.

Whataboutism will get you nowhere, comrade. Two wrongs do not make a right.

They built it from a box of scraps!

For real, though, I don't think it's in a cave. Looks more like stone walls with a thin skim of plaster and whitewash.

Just putting it out there; weed shop in the airport.

Have a brownie or two before you board, then spend the next several hours giggling at kid's TV whilst being served drinks and snacks. Want to snooze? They got CBD gummies!

Trump supporters are making specific threats too. In one post on The Donald titled, “A little bit about Merrick Garland, his wife, his daughters,” a user shared a link to an article about the attorney general’s children. Under the post, another user replied: “His children are fair game as far as I’m concerned.”

Yes, it's always the good guys who threaten people's children, isn't it?

Since most of the blue light gets scattered, what is remaining is the other colors.

That's why the moon turns red during a total lunar eclipse. When the moon is completely in Earth's shadow, the only light getting to it has been refracted defracted around the Earth by its atmosphere. But because the atmosphere scatters out the higher frequency bluish light, the moon is only illuminated by what's left; the lower frequency reddish light.

I feel like these wackos want to instill fear in everyone in the community... so that events get cancelled.

We have a word for those types of people, and that word is "terrorist".

You constantly get popups telling you to download the app, which you used to be able to turn off but can't anymore.

Also the "I don't want to download the app" button often takes you to the app download page anyway.

Hence the term "the landed gentry". They aren't necessarily gentlemen that landed on their feet, or landed from aboard, they owned land.

Lol people don’t start businesses and websites to make people happy, they do it to make money

Ideally these aims would align, no? A happy customer is a repeat customer. Happy customers breed more happy customers as word of the happiness spreads. However, we aren't actually the customers on Reddit, the ad companies are. We're the product.

But if Reddit ceases to be a fun place to be, then we leave, the product dries up, the customers are left unhappy and Reddit dies as a business.

They’re not putting profit ahead of people, they’re putting profit ahead of customers.

This statement at first seems silly, but is actually true in this case. Reedit's customers are not people, they're marketing corporations and PR firms. Corporations are not people, they're money generating algorithms designed by people.

However, as discussed above, Reddit's product is people (or more accurately people's engagement and data). So "keep people happy" (or at least engaged) still applies.

they really do hope Nukes will... kill everyone else if they lose.

They do not hope this. The hope that the threat of using nukes will prevent them from losing. Maybe they hope that they can get away with using nukes on contented ground without provoking a nuclear war, although that's a long shot.

But the plan cannot be to follow through with the threat of nuking a NATO member. Losing a conventional war is one thing, whereas losing a nuclear war is entirely another (and no one wins a nuclear war).

The opposite kind of occurs on THGtTG's planet Krikkit, whose solar system is surrounded by a dust cloud The intelligent species that evolves on the planet never sees the stars, so do not include the rest of the universe in their worldview. They evolve into a peaceful, harmonious society.

"The user said anti-LGBTQ+ protestors attacked pro-LGBTQ+ demonstrators."

bOtH sIdEs

They're already shooting up substations, plotting kidnappings of opposing political figures and planting pipe bombs outside of government buildings.

The MAGA war against the American people has definitely already begun.

"but poverty can certainly purchase misery"

Specifically with the ludicrous fake moon landing conspiracy; aside from ludicrous amount of other evidence that it really happened, do people not think that Russia, the USA's competitor in the space race, would have tried their very best to find any scrap of tangible evidence that the landings were faked?

...And yet there has never been a peep from Russia. They accepted the landings as fact and still do.

AKA "I have nothing meaningful to add to the discourse and apparently never did"

I suggest that this indicates you would be firmly in the 'cattle' category, should your future dystopia ever arise.

Lol! Ah, the unwarranted aggression of the terminally stupid.

So... your solution to all of the school shootings happening right now boils down to a dreamy-eyed future utopia, in which hardly anyone needs to work and therefore hardly anyone needs a formal education?

Putting aside the fact that this does absolutely nothing to combat the very real and pressing issue of school shootings, which is what everyone else was talking about on this thread... (do you just pop up on random threads and emphatically proclaim that AI will solve all of the world's problems?)

Putting aside the fact that this UBI utopia that you envisage is decidedly not the direction in which humanity is presently heading...

Do you not see the issues with an uneducated population? Do you think that education is solely preparation for the workplace?

No, education is preparation for life. An uneducated population is a population oh so easy to manipulate. How would democracy even begin to function if virtually nobody had any critical thinking skills or knowledge of how the world actually works? It wouldn't... So what you describe is a actually a dystopia, one in which the educated, wealthy few form an aristocracy over the heads of their uneducated, peasant cattle. With so much power concentrated in so few people, there would inevitably be conflict. Warlords would stay in power by manipulating the population with endless AI generated propaganda. AI armies would mercilessly slaughter their opponent's helpless cattle. Sounds fucking great, doesn't it?