As long as the outcome is pregnancy, almost all other factors become moot. If it’s also in the context of a Christian marriage granted by a denomination they respect, so much the better.

Since homosexual intercourse doesn’t result in pregnancy and the churches they support won’t allow gay marriage, homosexuality is always going to be worse than any sex between a man and a girl who has started puberty.

Narcissists prayer as a tagline for reality these days

I’m not saying that nobody who’s been in the military doesn’t end up doing something horrific. We’ve unfortunately had a hand in creating rampage murderers throughout history. But it won’t be a coordinated effort involving the military being decidedly on the side of insurrectionists and nobody is getting away with “accidents”.

And the most recent popular vote win for them was when GW was the incumbent in post 9/11 America, which he wouldn’t have been if Gore had taken the Florida vote to court.

Edit: misrepresented. Gore took it to court, he won in Florida Supreme Court and then lost in the SCOTUS. He very much could have appealed that decision but decided not to.

It’s not about looking good, it’s about being an icon. He’s got a specific look. It’s ridiculous and dumb, but that what the people who gravitate towards him seem to love

I mean, if you held giant protests in nearly every major city for weeks on end, resulting in interactions with the police that often turned violent due to escalation on the side of law enforcement, you might be able to “burn down a city”

But all you’ve got is billionaires farting pennies on your guy and acting like that’s a big deal.

I’d say more but unfortunately I have to go back and sit in my burnt out apartment because every city was definitely torched.

As someone whose been in the Army for quite a while, there are definitely a lot of Trump fans in the service. They are not going to kill Americans for Trump, over any of this or for any future events related to the consequences he’s facing for his many crimes.

It’s funny to me how transparent it all is. Like, either they’re clearly a person who was already voting for him. Or it’s a quick anecdote about their relative who was undecided and suddenly changed their mind because of the verdict.

If you were undecided, you weren’t looking at the trial as if it was a political witch hunt. So you wouldn’t think a guilty verdict is indicative of “the other side” trying to take him down using the courts.

And since it’s all wrapped up in various conspiracies, if Biden was going to use the trial to rig the election, and the counts against are all fake because nobody knows what they are…why didn’t he just make the crime something that would allow him to jail or execute his political opponent?

Like, we’ve seen how dictatorships use the legal system to remove opposition leaders, this isn’t how they do that. Biden would have jailed him fairly quickly after the election, charged him eventually, then avoided a trial.

Even in the generous versions of this guy, he still needs the chubbed out neck wattle and ball chin to pass as who he is. This is not a powerful figure on image alone and it’s weird that a lot of people want it to be.

Well yeah, who doesn’t like a long stroll by the river?

But seriously, conservative pundits want to act like this is a huge deal, but even among my news addicted colleagues, nobody brought this up. Not even the conservative ones. This is an important moment in history, but not in the way that these folks would like it to be.

Tim Poole can tweet “war” all he wants, the vast majority of folks willing to die or go to jail for T Diddy already did it.

Nakey Jakey calls it “goopy goblin gamer brain”.

Basically it’s the part of you that doesn’t care about tutorials or cut scenes or rail sections. That just wants to play the parts of the game that are “the game”.

I think we all have it, just at different levels.

Gets a letter in the mail

You’ve Been Summoned.

“Man, summoning ME through the mail? This guy must be the worst wizard…“

The game has a very steep drop off in difficulty after you get through the grave yard and moreso when you become an adult lion, as I recall.

I don’t know how I ever beat that game with my terrible child platforming ability though

The only reason anyone is talking about CGI in this movie is because of how famously practical most of the effects in a Mad Max movie are. If anyone is bitching about the use of CGI in this movie, they’re reaching for something to be mad about.

Trying to determine what conservatives want based on the outcomes they create would be a very confusing exercise.

The broad conservative position is in line with Wilhoit’s Law. They want things to go their way, everything else is just pointless bickering. Your failure to understand the connection between their policies and their goals is a personal failure on your end, not a logical failure on theirs.

Yeah, Millenials were the “no loyalty, will jump from job to job for a raise” generation. Ignoring that people were doing this because companies stopped offering pensions and would basically stop giving you a raise if you stuck around, while giving new hires a better salary than loyal old hands. It didn’t make sense to stick around.

Gen Z is finding ways to navigate their own set of issues. Whatever they are actually doing, I’d have serious doubts that any behavioral trends are tied to inherent generational qualities instead of being logical responses to the environment they’re operating in.

Yeah, I don’t think it was a kink based on the small sample size and relative frequency.

Libertarians are for the most part “right of first refusal” voters. They vote on principles and hate regulation.

Trump is MAGA, MAGA is Trump. He’s riding a tiger in the form of a far-right mob he doesn’t fully control. See: him instantly backing off his vaccine stance.

Libertarians, for all their flaws, see him as a guy who wouldn’t give up the power of the state because the people demand it. They see a man who’d institute Christian law because it’d keep him in the seat another day. And they are not Christians, politically.

Beyond that…we’re pretending that this guy has a plan, or even a platform. The only thing he’s demonstrably done is cut taxes and then decided to make sure it was rich folks who got to keep their tax cuts after 5 years when push came to shove

Newsweek on their daily scrape of finding literallly anyone to say trump belongs in jail and acting like it’s news

If everyone supplying Ukraine is a valid target, so is everyone supplying Russia. You are advocating for a world war.

This is the breaking point for libertarians. The modern GOP is devolving into christofacism and that’s going to negate them as a possible libertarian bedfellow.

The left can’t bring libertarians in because honestly, here’s the deal, if we want an ordered and regulated society that reduces suffering, you’re gonna have to pay bureaucrats and redistribute wealth through taxes.

I’m not asking libertarians to pick a side, I disagree with them on principle. I wouldn’t have them ask me to pick a side were the shoe on the other foot. But what I am asking them to consider is this: we’re on the cusp of one of the most consequential elections in world history.

To sum it all up, I guess I’d ask them to do what they’ve been doing, and just not vote for the obvious fascist above all else.