Nobody denies that, you’re in a fuck nestle sub so it’s gonna be about nestle

Completely agree, I have sensory issues and really love the fabrics they use but it’s getting so expensive that it doesn’t seem worth it to buy.

Damn love them! Especially the dog, so good

Don’t forage so many if you won’t know what to do with them!!!

Chronic Smoker :PlanetWeed::PlanetWeed::PlanetWeed:

Lol those r pretty uncommon, look up regular sex toys like vibrators/wands/bullets

After a traumatic event my symptoms worsened which led to my mother asking my doctor for a psychiatrist and a diagnosis, got it at 13 then got meds. I was unable to get out of bed without being bombarded by horrible thoughts and compulsions, I hear you and feel you. I hope you are able to get help ❤️

Chronic Smoker :PlanetWeed::PlanetWeed::PlanetWeed:

If all I got my hands on is flower then I will smoke when sick, but i got asthma and it always makes my cough ever worse if I’m sick. I prefer edibles when sick since they put me to sleep quick lol

My anger towards the system is a good fuel for me lol. I have lived in poverty and addiction and have grown to hate the way our system is, so letting myself feel this helps me to empower myself in helping others

Go in a car lol. I am fine with bussing and don’t drive but if I go in a car I end up getting nauseous or over aware of how dangerous crashing would be

Receptionist at a non profit! I enjoy it since it’s in the social work field so I get to help people with day to day things and try to be friendly/work on social skills lol. Plus I’ve got adhd as well so having a bunch of different tasks works well for me

I like her with Vi and enjoy seeing her learn. I do find her a bit annoying since she is so sheltered compared to those in Zaun, but that’s not her fault and is more of a bias that I have since she reminds me of people with privilege/wealth in real life.

Chronic Smoker :PlanetWeed::PlanetWeed::PlanetWeed:

I started when I was 14, definitely think anyone under 18 is too young

Jinx for sure! I really empathize with her struggles with abandonment/mental health. I also love her art, and how she creates such intricate weapons/bombs.

Fishing since I love not knowing what I’ll catch. I love diving since i like to chase the moving ones but then I get pissed off sometimes lol

I began around age 14-15 and became heavily dependent on weed to numb myself for years. Tapering down has been much better for me than cold turkey.

I got addictions therapy for about 1 year, as well as SMART recovery. There are online meetings too but I’ve just been sticking with the workbooks.

I will always want to smoke weed so my goal will never be cold turkey anyway, i began by smoking once a day instead of twice/three times a day and did that for a while. I really needed to distract myself from the cravings so I’d make Lego sets, puzzles, paint, sew, really anything with my hands helped a lot. I also added in lifting weights when I would usually smoke to substitute the activity/release.

Then I lowered to 6 days a week, 5 days a week, on and on. It’s up to you to decide how much you’d like to consume weed per week/month, I find it easiest to go by week and write down in my calendar when I’ve smoked. You got this!!!!