How long did it take for your puppy to bond w/ your partner?Discussion

We just got a 4 month old border collie/pit bull puppy from my coworker. He bonded with me instinaly but not with my husband. We both give him lots of cuddles and spend time with him. When my husband is laying on the couch or bed he loves him and does ok when on the leash but if my husband disappears a little bit like getting ready for work and comes back in the room the puppy growls/ barks. Are there any ways to help them bond? How long did it take for your puppy to bond with your significant other? ( we just got our puppy over the weekend. I told him it is going to take time for them bond. )

Can’t get through to were the picture of eve was taken in order to get the hourglass before of swirling sand but in order to get rid of those swirling sands I need the hourglass.


Im getting my first IUD tomorrow. I’m not too nervous right now but I’ve heard a lot of stories of the insertion being extremely painful. I also heard being on your period makes it easier but unfortunately all the available appointments my doctor had did not line up with my cycle. Would love some advice and/or some positive stories from people who have gotten the IUD.

Yes but I’ve been rereading the series. 😁

I remember I started picking around elementary school. I would pick the calluses on my hands from playing on the monkey bars. It got worse in middle school.

They clean it the toilet seat after going to the bathroom. The amount of times I had to clean pee off the toilet. Just clean it or sit down. It’s not that hard. 🙄

1st - opening act at the Hannah Montana Tour 2nd - burning up tour 3rd - happiness begins tour in SF 4th - happiness begins tour in Oakland + meet n great and in B stage.

I’ve only been married for 3 months but so far our relationship is the same before we got married. Not only is he my husband but he’s my best friend as well. It’s ok not to have a big wedding. They’re expensive and very stressful. My husband and I did a courthouse wedding, then celebrated with close family/friends at a nearby park. It was the best decision for us that way we could save for a house. I couldn’t imagine my life without him. I love him so much! ❤️

This happened recently at my husband’s work. A coworker of his was replacing something up in the ceiling and he got electrocuted. He feel off the ladder and hit his head. He ended up going to the hospital and my husband said there was blood everywhere.

Not a good day. First day of my work week which typically gives me lots of anxiety and then on top of that I feel like I messed up at work even though I know it wasn’t a big deal. (This is my first job so I’m still learning a lot). My anxiety can get so bad that I peel the skin off my fingernails and arms to the point where it bleeds. At least I’m going to an anxiety group weekly, going to start cbt again and seriously thinking about starting anti anxiety meds.

Tried a new food today!Victories

I tried a grilled cheese sandwich today! I thought it was pretty good. I ate it all except for the last bite. I ended up gagging and could tell if I didn’t spit it out I was going to throw it all up. I’m still proud of my self for eating it. It’s little progress.


It’s so hard to pick just one. There are so many good ones. Sailor moon, Attack on Titan, one piece, blue spring ride, bleach, fruits basket and so many more!

My cat has a stomach ache.Advice

My black cat spooky has a stomach ache. She’s allergic to fish and my mom put out a chicken and tuna dish this morning. At 6 am she threw up all of her food that she ate. I changed it to something without fish. Now she has a pretty bad stomach ache and is very constipated. She’s been trying to pop but only pee if coming out. Any suggestions of remedy’s would be helpful. Thank you.


Ordinary sausage - this guy who calls him self mr.sausage and he turns various foods/ingredients into sausages. Some of the weirdest things he’s done are an air sausage, bubble gum sausage, ostrich sausage, ect. He also does this little segment called will it blow. This is where he blows the extra sausage mix onto the back wall and rates it on a Mark Ruffalo scale. The videos are pretty short between 1 and 7 minutes. They are pretty funny.

I stuck a stick in the ceiling fan while it was on and the end of the stick I was holding cut my eyeball open. I have a white scar going across my pupil, doesn’t dilate and I can barely see out of it. I was around 5.