I bet your teeth were dazzling white after that.

In good time, a small cherry tree will sprout from your dog’s bum.

Even trains can’t afford to go by rail these days.

My full name is on the official observations page because it doesn’t quite fit on the main passport info page. (In a previous passport years ago it was all squoze on in a narrow font but they don’t do that anymore for some reason.)

Chewing nuts, highland toffee, toffos
 basically anything that dislodged my (many) fillings and rotted my teeth a bit more. 😭

They are always great! JB’s Dudley 1994ish, Leadmill Sheffield early 00s, Plug Sheffield 2018ish.

Noodles 🍜 and beans đŸ«˜ for proper protein balance.

The chest of drawers behind her looks so happy to have a new furry friend!

I read scarifier as sacrificer. I’m unsure which is more frikening.

Looks like a Shouty McTabberson to me.