In MAG196, Annabelle Cane (avatar of The Web) lays out her plan to move The Powers to a new universe by punching through a hole in reality located at "the house on Hill Top Road." She does not state any knowledge of where they would end up. Being a creature who lives through manipulation, it would make sense to say that she or another Web avatar would have tried to find out where the hole goes to prepare to be the only Power with a prepared landing in the new place. So, let us look at anything that could be such a test.

In TMP017, "candidate PD-553" describes being hypnotized in a Dr. Dumphrey's therapy office, followed by waking up in an office of The Magnus Institute Outreach Center located at a shopping center on Hill Top Road. This was in the year 1997, two years before the Magnus Institute in the TMP universe burnt down. There are two other people in the therapy waiting room that PD-553 doesn't recognize, one of whom has "serious city miles," i.e. is quite old, and looks like he "pets orchids," i.e. he gives off a very creepy vibe. The implication seems to be that they helped to carry PD-553 through the hole in Hill Top Road, and the described man matches what former owner of the house on Hill Top Road, Arthur Nolan (avatar of The Web) would look like at that time.

Since The Eye did not know about the hole in reality, it would seem that a location of the Magnus Institute in the TMP universe would indicate that the TMP Magnus Institute was not aligned to TMP equivalent of The Eye because it was there to apparently receive people coming from the MAG universe. Let us take this to indicate that it might likely be aligned to The Web. It would be better if we had something indicating that the TMP Magnus Institute was or was not Web aligned.

In TMP001, The Magnus Institute is stated as having burned down in 1999. That would be two years after PD-553 makes his transition, 27 years after Agnes Montague (avatar of The Desolation) took ownership of the hole on Hill Top Road in the MAG universe, and 20-30 years after Agnes Montague and Gertrude Robinson started working together. Gertrude Robinson kept track of many things, so it is reasonable to say that she may have kept an eye on this old house that was important to The Web, and would have told her ally Agnes Montague that something was going on. This is relevant because Agnes Montague had a habit of burning every spider, spiderweb, and every other thing The Web even might have touched, and an investigating Agnes Montague who successfully made it to the TMP universe would absolutely have burned the TMP Magnus Institute to the ground.

So... that's my theory. 😁