WHAT responsibilities?? They have people that do everything for them. They worked less than any other "working" royal, and this year not at all.

I'd totally forgotten about the national service gambit! "Vote for me, we'll send your kids to the army or jail!" XD

What the article leaves out: he tried to get into the party and was turned away because he was too drunk. He went back to his car and drove through the gate. It wasn't just drunk driving, he did it on purpose.

I remember that! Obviously proposed by someone who's never been to a lesbian bar, lol

Why did they have those fake printed backgrounds? We have places that look like Mars

You can see the balcony from the street outside the gates. It's kinda the point

world-changing research

"Early years are crucial for a child's development". Nobel prize, here we come!

This is well-known Toff swapping business.

The royalists pretending that affairs would NEVER happen are just straight-up lying. It's as though the forgot where Camilla came from

They gave Kate and her parents holy hell when she tried to get in. Camilla was particularly against Kate as I recall. One of their breakups was after Kate's parents were at an event and used the wrong word for toilet

It was said a super injunction was obtained to stop that story.

Nope. They fed the paper a negative Meghan story so the paper removed "Rose Hanbury" from the online articles. But they are archived so we can still see the originals.

Funny how protocol didn't stop them from touching back when they liked each other...


I am shocked she didn't split it with Kate

WHAT?? Since when does someone marry a rich guy then give his money to her own rich relatives? Especially that bunch. Kate's parents bought a 6 million pound mansion before they declared bankruptcy, and still have plenty to live on. It's their vendors who need a handout, not them.

Kate didn't have 500k to make her parents solvent?

Kate doesn't have a penny, the money is William's.

Rose has bigger issues

People are blaming her because she posed for a pic in front of the Chinese art. They are her husband's pieces, in his family's ancestral home. His ancestors got them generations ago. So if anyone is a looter it's him and his people.

failed co-parenting

There has NEVER been a "co-parent" couple in the history of the BRF and there still isn't. Those kids are tended by dozens of staffers. They are trained from birth to be coddled, pampered and indulged. Kate's mother wanted to help care for George when he was born and Liz said absolutely not. Why? Because she would have treated him like a baby, like her grandchild, and not done all the bowing and scraping the royal attendants do with infants. "May I change your nappy, sir?" Curtsey. "Thank you sir!"

Aides tell W&K when school events are happening, prepare their clothes, dress everyone, and drive the pack to and from. That's not co-parenting, that's being carted around like a royal.

a failure to keep a honeymoon going for decades?

Did you see Liz and Philip look at each other during the Jubilee? Genuine affection, enjoyment, pride. People manage it when they don't loathe each other.

For someone who doesn't care you sure spend a lot of time discussing them. H&M are doing fine, they're very popular in the US, their kids are fine. People like you complain when they make an appearance and complain when they lay low. Just ignore them, how about that?

Not true. The problem was that she wore thongs, not that she went commando. We know she wore thongs because her skirt kept flying. Liz told her to put weights in the hems but Kate refused until we got a full moon one day.

Compare pics from their early years to pics from the last 2 years. No more lovey-dovey. Liz and Philip showed affection towards each other straight through, despite their issues over the years. You can't find a pic of Will even making eye contact with Kate last year, he looked at her shoulder or chest even when she was talking to him. When they stood for pics his hands were often balled into fists. Even now he spends most evenings out with his gang, not home "caring for his wife". People are supposed to dedicate themselves to catering to every last whim of royal , the men don't give a shit what other people need or want. William is following his father's playbook to the letter.

He's been a seething ball of rage in her prsence for a couple years now. He swatted her hand away (on camera!) more than once. They arrive and leave events separately. He didn't visit her in the hospital until people started questioning his absence, then when he was pictured he looked furious. He didn't make eye contact with her at events.

They've been together for 20 years and he can't stand the sight of her. That is not a normal marriage.

William has been looking for a "CEO" for over a year. Because he's too lazy to manage his own affairs. This might be that role.

It worked fine in Sri Lanka. They got that huge port and built a whole city on an island. All the signs are Chinese. The buttons in the elevators are even in Chinese. Only Chinese are allowed to live on the island. So, they got a port and a big colony.

the guy who got scammed out of 12k was legitimately trying to go to school

You pay tuition when you schedule your classes. He had no classes and no major.

the university provided no classes, no curriculum and no educators

He paid $12.5K without scheduling a single class. Fuck that guy, he knew it was a diploma mill.

117 yesterday, 118 today, maybe 119 tomorrow in CA. 3 days straight of record-breaking heat. Ick. It's 92 in NY and I'm dying