In many states it’s illegal. You have to get a share in a cow to get raw milk.

Yeah not with her follower count, no way.

The kidneys often fail once the liver is really bad. So they can do dialysis to get rid of accumulating toxins but it doesn’t fix anything because the liver is still the main cause

Nah I’m a sixth generation dairy farmer but go off 😂🤣

Imagine calling non-pasteurized milk “pure” 😂 

Actually they just took a mature tree and are trying to transplant it. It’s going to die.  Soooo not what I’d call good for the planet 🤷🏼‍♀️ but anything for a reaction 

I love trees but transplanting ones at this size usually isn’t successful. 

Bingo. LDS when convenient and doesn’t interfere with pageant wear 

Yeah what would I know we just are dairy farmers. it can be transmitted from exposure to wildlife like deer, raccoons, bird flu is spread by birds. Yikes.

It actually has very little to did with that. Free range cows can be exposed to bird flu as easily as lot-raised ones. Same with TB.

These companies are all owned by the chernin group and they’re all terrible shills haha 

No, they don’t own it. Most cut flowers in the US have come from Ecuador and Columbia since the 1990s, the farms down there are huge and they pay their workers shit wages, and have no tariffs so they’ve killed off the american growers. So much for “know your farmer” 🙄 

“ More than 3 million head of dairy cows were slaughtered in 2019 to enter the beef supply chain in the United States. ” 


Not necessarily, I don’t buy comments or followers but I get these posts on mine too.

lol are you a dairy farmer? Because my family is. The milk cows absolutely get slaughtered and butchered at end of life. You’re a moron. 

I agree. Nothing about respecting the animals or thanking them. Just dim Dan pretending to cowboy again. 

She didn’t do anything as Mrs American, why would she do anything for South Dakota?! 😂 true narcissist, she’s just in it for the pageant sparkle!

lol grace rose farm who also hilariously masquerades as a California rose grower then imports them all from Ecuador or somewhere. It’s kind of appropriate actually 😂

Haha my worlds are colliding! I love blossom and branch. Shes got a great social media. I have a feeling she’s subtly trolling if I have her personality right…she can be fiery 😂