Lita Ford and Ozzy - Close My Eyes Forever

My Chemical Romance with Liza Minnelli- Mama

Deftones- Knife Prty

Nancy Sinatra and Lee Hazelwood- Some Velvet Morning

I'm going on safari motherfucker, SA FA RI!

That would've been a hell of a time for Gary to have a Walter Sobchak moment.

Ben is the reason that the dead were sauntering, turns out he is the source of the zombies, he used too small a slice of TP after he made the mudpie, the infection grew from there.

No 2 reminds me of a young Rick Savage from Def Leppard.


NTA, tell the man child your vows were made to the man he portrayed himself to be, not the reprehensible shitbag he actually is.

Be sure to point out that shiftless losers like himself is what killed "trad values"

Those are only excuses one gives themselves to take the onus off of their decision to use meth.

Picturing the scene with The Twins in bed creeped me out so bad. Classic King.

Donna's death scene, "Look how tall you are!" Had me ugly crying.

You're the only one delusional enough to think this is a debate.

TL; DR, it is a choice and saying anything else is a fucking cop out.

Explain who is going around holding guns to people's heads taking away their choice to do meth.

That's not happening.

It is a choice. If made by an ignorant moron or not.

Blindly taking any drug, prescribed or not is stupid af end of.

Classism is shit, often times unavoidable.

Smoking meth is 1000% a choice.

Do not conflate the two. ffs


The Jaunt

The Last Rung on the Ladder

Word Processor of the Gods

Mrs. Todd's Shortcut

Trashcan Man- he wasn't really evil, just extremely broken.

But Maaaaaybeeee the rain, is really to blame, so I'll remove the arm. But not the Georgie.