These rackets are kind of amazing. I use one now in my yard when I am gardening and haven't had to put on bug spray all season and have gotten no bites.

I'll have to try the game again because it sounds like they made some changes to it since you would frequently see high value snakes. A 40k snake wasn't that infrequent of an occurrence. I was curious so I googled what top high scores were and it does seem scores in the 100 thousands are possible. I did go back through my email history to find a screenshot of a score because me and my friend would compete for high score but the best one I could find for my score was 28,271. But at least I have a time stamp for reference...2016. I believe I used the arrow keys to control movement.

Wild it didn't occur to me people would organize into teams. I forgot about the lag too but I remember now getting to about 85k and it was pretty bad and I had a good PC at the time.

When I tried to put my spool anywhere besides directly above the filament sensor in the normal spot I would get z-banding and weak layers. Never figured it out I tried all sorts of stuff.

The state gives you significant amount of time off compared to most jobs. That whole being able to live life thing will become increasingly more important to you as you get older. took over my life for a few months some years ago. I can still see those snakes.

I really like elastic bands for assisted pull ups. Allowed me to consistently hit 10 pullups for needed volume while decreasing band size over time and it wasn't long before I could do them unassisted.

And that would be the perfect opportunity to point out that we are absolutely not ok with Jihadi John, white British man, cutting off heads in ISIS propaganda videos.

Other responder says he has an 8% approval rating. If he was able to stay in power for 16 years despite being wildly unpopular with Israeli voters because of the reasons you stated than I am surprised to see a democracy exists that is even more poorly constructed than the United States.

I had no idea so I did a quick search and:

'Netanyahu is the longest-serving prime minister in Israel's history, having served a total of over 16 years'

That doesn't sound like he is unpopular.

At some point in time the left got the idea somehow that religion equates to race. The term racist is very often used against people who criticize Islam, even though Islam is a religion with huge racial diversity. So they defend Islam as if it was like the other classes they are used to fighting for. The part that is lost on them is that Islam is an idea, like any other idea. And some ideas are bad, and should be called out as such. Religion is a bad idea.

Of course this is murky because Palestinians are a people with a distinct identity. I would guess your friends would tell you they are defending the people, not the religion.

Yes all I had to do was clear the SD card and re started the printer and it was fine.

I had a problem that looked exactly like this and it was caused by it not liking a file on the SD card. Caused unresponsive menu items just like in your video.

When I lived on Madison ave next to the park they came by in the middle of the night, threw up the emergency no parking signs, and towed away the entire block. I moved out after that.

I printed it on a Elegoo Neptune 3 using black PETG. I put it at a 45 degree angle and the supports were surprisingly minimal.

I really wish I could have just 3d printed an integrated mister nozzle so it was further back in the mouth but I couldn't find anything. Since there were many options for irrigation fittings and barbs etc I assumed maybe the internal structure of a mister might be too fine detailed for a printer.

Decorative Garden MisterProject

I modified a model I found to be able to mount on a 1/2" copper pipe and pass water through it via internal 3d printed duct with standard 1/4" irrigation nipples on either end.

Original model:

Edit: Sorry it seems like I cannot link to the original model on this sub as the site is banned. If you google for 'Snake Head Pillar' you can find it.

Some pictures of the modified internal geometry:




Batteries powerful enough to power the engines in a boat would be in a different class than the low voltage batteries a typical boat might have and may indeed be dangerous if you were submerged in salt water with them in close proximity. But of course the designers of an EV boat would take that into account and have fault protection built in. But Teslas have caught fire being submerged into water so there is always the chance things can go bad when 600V is pushed out of its comfort zone.

I have a Frigidaire and am looking to do this. On mine I have to press a power button after plugging it in. Did you bypass that limitation or is your model different?

Check out Christman Sanctuary. It is a short drive and a short loop through a forest and a series of cascading waterfalls with the last waterfall being pretty large in a small gorge. It is a lovely place on a rainy day with the surging water and bright moss.

I use Wireguard to VPN into my home network from my mobile devices so they are always using the pihole on my network. I just leave it on at all times and it seems to seamlessly switch between home wifi and cellular without issue.

I legit thought this was a gag this dude I watch was running to clown his audience to check their detectors. You telling me a youtuber with 800k subscribers just doesn't even notice it and that's why it is in his recordings is blowing my mind right now.